Restoring Happiness & Hunger...

bella_b.pngBy Mike Buenting (mikebuenting.wordpress.com)

As a coach, an athlete and a father of a competitive athlete you learn a lot about yourself and others and overcoming challenges and setbacks. You learn a lot about the human spirit and the human heart and will to fight and push limits.

The last year has been tough for both myself and for my daughter Bella. My 2015 season had some ups and downs and the start of 2016 at the Boston marathon went really wrong for me. Bella also had a really tough 2016 (spring) Track season running for Minnetonka High school team as an 8th grader.  (mostly Varsity meets, but sometimes JV) Bella never ran at her potential all season and just lacked happiness and a hunger. As for myself I had the hunger I just was not performing great and it was leaving my depressed and down.

So 2016 was going to be my year!! And summer of 2016 was going to be Bella’s return to Triathlon after setting out the 2015 season to focus on swim team and cross country....

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16 Beers. 9 Hot Dogs. And Honey Stingers.......

Unknown.pngBy Erin Sontowski (bikesandcatsrightmeow.blogspot.com)

Happy 4th of July everyone! (Well technically, 10th of July, but whatever. Not like anyone would have been up reading blogs on the 4th anyways.)

Hope everyone got a chance to relax, drink lots of beer, and enjoy a plethora of burgers, brats and potato salads of every kind. Marc and I actually went to the Chanhassen carnival for the 4th, and it was a trip! I indulged on a super delicious funnel cake and Beer-ga-rita and let me tell you, every calorie was worth it. Plus, I did a 3 1/2 workout that day, so pretty sure I earned it! If you follow me on Facebook, you will even see a post where I calculated my caloric output to be able to see how many hot dogs/beers I can consume to make back the deficit. Science is fun!! (Spoiler alert: It was 16 beers and 9 hot dogs!) ...

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Goucher, Donne & Williams...

emy_pool_run.pngED. Lots of great racing happened today. Our coverage will begin on Monday.

By Emy Everhart (emy-everhart.com)

Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.” – Kara Goucher

It appears that my greatest challenge this season will be the emotional toll of injury. Heh, that sounds kind of dramatic, I suppose. But really, when so much of your time and mental and physical energy go toward planning for training, training, planning for racing, and racing, it’s a heavy blow when injury forces you to revise an entire season of racing.
On Tuesday June 21st I saw Dr. Michael Williams at Premier Sport and Spine for another session of...

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Soaking Up Summer...

By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

You guys. How is it June 30? I’m soaking up as much summer + sunshine as possible – anyone else loving daylight at 9p still?! – but seriously. Time needs to sloooooooow down. Despite flying by, June was packed full of goodness, from sunshiny Seattle to my first race of the season to…

Cheering at

North Star Bike Fest. I say this every summer after spectating: I want to solely race my bike. The road is where I fell in love with cycling… the whir of wheels, mere inches...

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Team Minnesota Stuff...

Kelly_smiles.pngAt Lake Waconia a guy said, "Team Minnesota is always the same people. There doesn't seem to be much turnover."

Maturely, we replied, "Is too!

The guy retorted, "Is not!"

This argument went on for another minute before we simply agreed to disagree. We continue to respect each other and remain friends.

Nice allegory, huh?

So we went back to our orifice, which is how we affectionately refer to our office, and did some research. We hope that the guy will read this post. Most of it, anyway.

Let's start with the women. In 2015, the top 3 women--Heather Lendway, Dani Fischer and Cathy Yndestad-- from 2014 were ineligible for inclusion. Heather...

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