Athletes of the Month: July 2016...

Nick_K_g-man.pngJULY ATHLETES OF THE MONTH - Another exciting month of multisport racing has just Ex.running.pngpassed and the MMA Committee has selected its AOMs for July 2016. The AOMs are presented by Excelsior Running.



Matt was a slam dunk selection. He raced three times, all "major" events--Life Time Tri - Minneapolis, Heart of the Lakes State Championships and Toughman Half--and won them all. The Pain Train hasn't been beaten by a fellow Minnesota amateur since 2012.

Though Hanna had stiff competition from Christina Roberts (CR @t Timberman, 2nd @t HOLT) and Diane Hankee (2nd @ Muncie 70.3, 2nd @ Toughman Sprint), she received unanimous support from the selectors.  In July, she won the Heart of the Lakes State Championships and placed 2nd (1st Minnesotan) at Life Time Tri - MInneapolis....

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Runner, Triathlete, Mentor, Race Director...

NICOLE_ANNOUNCE.pngBy Mackenzie Lobby Havey (StarTribune.com - JULY 22, 2016)

Nicole Cueno of the Minneapolis YWCA gets inspired by her surroundings and the people she coaches.

Nicole Cueno earned last year’s distinguished “Minnesota Runner of the Year” award from USA Track and Field Minnesota, but she is much more than a runner. While she qualified for the Olympic Trials Marathon both in 2008 and 2012 with a 2:42 personal best and was a four-time...

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Maroon & Gold Bond...

ED. Just got back from Walker Tri. Great race! Will tell you all about it on Monday. RESULTS
We will also be posting words and pics in the days to come from today's Turtleman and Hoot LakeTriathlons.
On June 30, after a lengthy process, Doobie Kurus gave Ed Hawthorne one of his kidneys. Hawthorne says his teammate saved his life. * Photo by Leila Navidi
By Star Tribune
July 21, 2016 — 9:45pm

Doobie Kurus learned last fall that his former Gophers football teammate Ed Hawthorne was sick and desperately needed a kidney transplant.

On the surface, those two shared little in common as college students, other than being teammates in the early 1990s....

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Sick on Race Week?

sick_guy.pngBy Dr. Jordan Metzl (triathlon.competitor.com)

If you get sick during race week, don’t panic. Most illnesses are viral, last 48 to 72 hours, and will hopefully resolve by race day. I tell my athlete patients that a fever less than 101 degrees or any infection above the neck is safe to race with. There are times, however, when you must step away from the start line. When you’re really sick—with a temperature greater than 101, chills and weakness—racing can be dangerous....

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Fluids Are Good...

Triathlete-Drinking-Water.pngBy Dr. Michael Williams

How Should I Hydrate to Increase Sports Performance?

Maintianing proper hydration levels is very important for many reasons. Drinking adequate fluids will help prevent overheating, aid in digestion as well as absorption of nutrients and removal of waste products, and prevent dehydration. Exercise elevates body temperature, and cooling the body becomes increasingly difficult when you are inadequately hydrated. Proper hydration also helps to prevent muscle injuries. You body does not have a...

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