Soaking Up Summer...

By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

You guys. How is it June 30? I’m soaking up as much summer + sunshine as possible – anyone else loving daylight at 9p still?! – but seriously. Time needs to sloooooooow down. Despite flying by, June was packed full of goodness, from sunshiny Seattle to my first race of the season to…

Cheering at

North Star Bike Fest. I say this every summer after spectating: I want to solely race my bike. The road is where I fell in love with cycling… the whir of wheels, mere inches...

from one another… the rush of the draft and pulling your teammates. Maybe after I’m done chasing my triathlon light I’ll hop in a crit or three. In the meantime, women’s cycling is where it’s at! These women are beyond inspiring, and it’s so cool that a five-day stage race happens in MPLSTP every June.


My new bike! I almost don’t feel worthy of riding this beauty – an Argon 18 E-119 TRI+.

Being back in aero and on my tri saddle has been an adjustment after riding my road bike for 2.5 months, but for the most part it’s come back quickly – and, will definitely feel even better after tonight’s bike fitting with the bicycle fit guru, Chris Balser. And, a hundred high-fives to Lee and Dan at Grand Performance for everything they did to get it in tip-top shape and ready to ride. These guys are perfectionists and the best in the biz; I won’t trust my bike with anyone else. Thank you! And, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention who made this happen. The biggest mahalo to Coeur Sports + Argon 18 Bike ♥...READ MORE
