2016 Nominees: Duathlete of the Year...

wade_big_lake.pngMINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Today we reveal the official nominees for DUATHLETE OF THE YEAR. This category differs from the others in that athletes are only required to have TWO outstanding performances  in order to receive consideration. This is due largely to the fact that Du Nationals was relocated from St. Paul to Bend, Oregon. As a result, very few of Minnesota's elite duathletes raced in more than two run-bike-run events.

Here, in alpha order, are the nominees:

- WADE CRUSER, 29, Sauk Rapids (photo)

2016 Highlights:

- 1st @ Cinco Du Mayo Long Course

- 1st @ Oakdale Duathlon - 1:02:07 (Outstanding time in unaccommodating weather conditions)

- 3rd @ Apple Duathlon...

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Tri Night '16: The Party of the Year!

TriNight_16.pngMINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - The MMA's lauched in 1999 and the MMA Awards Party, aka "Tri Night," started in 2000. The 2016 festivities will happen on Saturday, November 12 at Gear West Bike & Triathlon in Long Lake, where it has been held since 2011.

Unlike past years, there will be NO cost to attendees. Noshable food, plus beer and wine will be provided courtesy of our generous host, GWB&T.

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2016 Master of the Year: The Men...

Brian_2005.png2016 MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Yesterday we announced the nominees for Female Master of the Year. Today, we reveal the male MOY nominees.

After a lot of heated argument, the Committe was able to whittle the women's MOY list to four names. For the men, however, a similar compromise was not achieved, thus there will be FIVE official MOY nominees. 

In alpha order, they are:


- BRIAN BICH, 50, Duluth (4-time Minnesota Master of the Year)

2016 Highlights:

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Master of the Year: The Women...


Photo L - National Class 50-year-olds - Cheryl Zitur and Julia Weisbecker.


2016 MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Today we are revealing the four nominees for FEMALE MASTER OF THE YEAR. Despite heated debate in this category, the athletes receiving the most support were, In alph order, are:


- MANUELA KNISPEL, 45, Minneapolis (2nd MOY Nomination)

2016 Highlights:

- 2nd overall / 1st Master @ Oakdale Duathlon...

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2016 Nominees: Junior of the Year...

mitchell-and-girlfriend.gif2016 MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Today we introduce the official nominees for JUNIOR OF THE YEAR. Narrowing the list down to four candidates wasn't easy, but after scrutinizing the resumes and eliminating those who had insufficient volume (DL performances were not evaluated) or consistency, most of the MMA Selectors agreed on these choices (in alpha order):


- MITCHELL CLAYTON, 19, Forest Lake (3rd Nomination photo L)

2016 Highlights:

- 1st overall @ Tinman Sprint, Cinco Du Mayo Sprint, Minnewaska, St. Paul Sprint and St. Croix Valley Sprint

- 3rd overall / 1st Junior @ Superior Man 41.5

- 4th overall / 1st Junior @ RochesterFest Sprint

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