16 Beers. 9 Hot Dogs. And Honey Stingers.......

Unknown.pngBy Erin Sontowski (bikesandcatsrightmeow.blogspot.com)

Happy 4th of July everyone! (Well technically, 10th of July, but whatever. Not like anyone would have been up reading blogs on the 4th anyways.)

Hope everyone got a chance to relax, drink lots of beer, and enjoy a plethora of burgers, brats and potato salads of every kind. Marc and I actually went to the Chanhassen carnival for the 4th, and it was a trip! I indulged on a super delicious funnel cake and Beer-ga-rita and let me tell you, every calorie was worth it. Plus, I did a 3 1/2 workout that day, so pretty sure I earned it! If you follow me on Facebook, you will even see a post where I calculated my caloric output to be able to see how many hot dogs/beers I can consume to make back the deficit. Science is fun!! (Spoiler alert: It was 16 beers and 9 hot dogs!) ...


As I sit at home, enjoying one of my few coveted days off, I thought now would be a great time to write about the last few weeks, as I have made some significant changes and seen real differences from them. Despite me demolishing a funnel cake this weekend, I have actually made huge changes in my nutrition, and it is making a world of a difference! My biggest weakness is the bike portion, so after the epic failure that was Liberty Tri, I vowed to make gains on my bike skills with the 5 weeks I had before Racine. This meant changing my routine both off, and on the bike.

Step one: Quit drinking beer. GASP!!!! BUT WHYYYYY??? Beer is delicious. It's a great recovery tool. And it makes me have 100x more fun in any situation.
But it is also loaded with empty calories. And in my 31 years, I have found that alcohol and my body do not work well together. In my 20's, when I was bartending and out partying all the time, I had a constant bloat from booze that was neither attractive, nor healthy. As I transitioned into beer sales this last year,  I then found that having a beer or 3 a day was not doing me any favors on the scale either. Time for a change. (Granted, I did quit my job and go into managing a Country Club, which helped. But that's a story for a different day.) READ MORE
