"No Miracle Bounce-Backs"...

IMG_2484.gifBy Ben Ewers (benewers.blogspot.com)

I cancelled Kona.  There, I finally acknowledged that this time my recovery from injury is going to follow a normal slow process. No miracle bounce backs.  No finishing the Arizona Ironman 2 weeks following cracking some ribs and lacerating a hand in a fall in the desert.  No finishing Kona second in my age group 9 months following Achilles tendon repair.  No, this time its different. Finally, 12 weeks following "the accident", 4 weeks following rotator cuff shoulder reconstruction and only 5 months to Kona, I had to admit to the practical.  My healing prowess was average at best and not sufficient to make Kona an option.  I had held out hopes, holding on to the thought of at least participating in Kona, until it was no longer possible to ignore the obvious....

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Only One Hand...

wimpykidsnowday_052.gifED. Two-time Minnesota Master of the Year nominee, Christel Kippenhan, a former baby (see photo on page 2), has a new blog. In her inaugural post she reflects on something we all deal with with varying degrees of success: DNFs (including DNSs, 'cuz you can't finish what you don't start).

By Christel Kippenhan (seecktri.wordpress.com)

I have been competing in gymnastics, swimming, track and field, road running, and triathlons ever since my parents registered me in a sports club back in Germany when I was not even 4 years old.  And as far as I can think back, I can use the fingers of only one hand to count the times that I missed or did not finish a competition I was registered for. Let’s see …

* Nov 27, 2010 – Turkey Trot 5K, Bemidji, MN – turning cone was missing so I stopped to direct runners > still finished, just after everybody was on the way back, even the walkers > does that even count? ...

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Avoiding Overspending on Equipment...

bad-bike.gifATTENTION: Favorites prevail at frosty Oakdale Du. Photos and coverage tomorrow. RESULTS.


By Dr. Steve Jonas (usatriathlon.org)

Well, spring is here (in most parts of the country), and the tri/duathlete’s thoughts turn to a variety of things: the race schedule for the upcoming season, the training program that will get you ready for the races that you are planning to do, and yes, equipment. Race schedules and training programs are constants from season-to-season, of course. Thoughts on equipment vary, depending how long you have been in the sport, how much equipment you already have, what kind of shape it is in, and so on and so forth. This column is primarily aimed more at those who are new or relatively new to the sport, but there are a few words of advice that might help out some of the more experienced types as well....

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Mind-Clearing Magic...

runnershigh.gifBy Melissa Dahl (nymag.com)


It is something of a cliché among runners, how the activity never fails to clear your head. Does some creative block have you feeling stuck? Go for a run. Are you deliberating between one of two potentially life-altering decisions? Go for a run. Are you feeling mildly mad, sad, or even just vaguely meh? Go for a run, go for a run, go for a run....

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Hokas, Tart Cherries & Jumping For Joy...

erin-leap.gifED. We think that every triathlete should be like Erin Klegstad. She's a gusto-grabbing life embracer, as her awesome blog clearly instantiates.

By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

Here’s what’s been up in April… along with longer + brighter days, the light fog that’s hung around me for a big chunk of the past couple years has started to lift, finally.

Excited about

Representing HOKA ONE ONE as a flyer ambassador! In 2014, coming off a stress fracture and on coach’s recommendation, I (reluctantly) bought my first pair of Hokas. I thought they looked ridiculous and a bit too moon boot-y, but then I ran in them – and, have been running in them ever since. Nine pairs of Cliftons (and one pair of Conquests) later, I’m pumped to be representing a shoe I love that’s changed my running and allowed me to run some crazy mileage injury-free!  ....

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