Mexi Coke & Raspberry Batteries...

liberty-20.gifED. 1-0-3 for DKT, and Rookies rock the RochesterFest Experience. Words and pics on Tuesday. RESULTS

By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

Liberty Half Race Report - I ignored the number one piece of racing advice – never use anything new on race day – during my 2016 season opener. And, while I was never planning on “racing” Saturday’s Liberty 70.3 thanks to feeling off (hello, period headache), a brand spankin’ new tri bike and just coming off five weeks of no running, I’d be lying if I said I was pleased with my performance. When you have high expectations of yourself no matter what, it stings a little when you’re not where you want to be.

But, head down, do the work and onward! There are two more 70.3s on this summer’s schedule, and you can bet the results will be better :)  ...

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Boston, Birkie, Rim-to-Rim etc....

jordan-roby.gifJune 2016 Interview - Elite amateur triathlete and runner, Jordan Roby


By Brad Mitchell (obsessivetripulsive.weebly.com)

Jordan is a personable guy who is part of a core group of Minnesotan men and women elite amateur athletes . This group sets the bar high for the rest of us and helps make Minnesota one of the best multi-sport states in the country.  His athletic and professional accomplishments are impressive and his best is yet to come.
Boston Marathon 2016.  You ran a blazing 3:00:35 (6:54 pace) apparently on one day a week training. Please explain how you did that and if that program was something you planned or life planned for you....

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The Freeway-Free Life...

bigdummy.gifBy Matthew Payne (matthew-payne.blogspot.com)

Hey... I'm back. This is where I'd normally make some lame excuses for not posting in over a year. I've been super busy, blah blah whatever. Of course that would all be bullshit. The truth is I simply haven't felt like writing anything. I do what I want...

 The Most Interesting Man In... Golden Valley?

The more observant among you may have noticed that the masthead on this fabulous little slice of the internet has changed. Over the winter we relocated our operation to the mean streets of Golden Valley, MN. Anyway, the new house is sweet. The best feature is that it's 1.8 miles from the front door to my desk at work (the actual desk mind you, not just the parking lot), so my days of sitting in rush hour traffic are....

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Stuff About Injury Prevention....

injury-guy.gifED. Lots of great racing to report on, starting with yesterday's New Bri Tri (RESULTS). Today's Buffalo Triathlon couldn't have been more exciting and inspiring. (RESULTS)  Coverage of these races, plus words on the Pigman Sprint Tri (RESULTS) and some other stuff will post tomorrow and on Tuesday.

ALSO: On Saturday, many-time Minnesota Triathlete of the Year Cathy Yndestad placed 9th (1st US / CAN) among the amateur field (2nd 35-39) at Switzerland 70.3. Her 4:46:38 was only 8:14 behind the amateur champ, Franzisca Widmer of Bubicon, Switzerland.

By Dr. Michael Williams

How can Coaches Help with Injuries?

Athletes often look to their coaches for advice when it comes to injury prevention. More often than not, coaches are the first person we turn to for any hints, tips, or tricks for fixing or avoiding any issues. That’s where we can make a difference.

Most coaches understand the importance behind injury prevention and they tell their athletes why it is important to work on injury prevention exercises or work outs. Any athlete that wants to improve will follow coach’s instructions and do whatever their coach asks of them. But what happens if the coach doesn’t know how to deliver safe injury prevention programs for their players? ...

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Triathletes are the Toughest...

fexers.gifBy Melissa Dahl (tday.com - Oct. 25, 2013)

Triathletes can tolerate more pain than the rest of us, a new study confirms, which helps explain why they would swim, then bike, then run, all because they want to and not because they are, perhaps, being chased by a bear.
That’s interesting on its own, but there’s more: Researchers say that understanding how athletes can withstand the pain of a grueling endurance event may eventually lead to potential treatments and therapies for people with chronic pain.

“It’s a very masochistic sport,” said Jenna Parker, who was the top female finisher in the New York City Triathlon in July. She was joking, but only kind of. “I guess to some extent, I always wondered what it is that makes people able to compete at a high level in athletics. Obviously there’s something that’s different that makes us able to push our physical boundaries in a way that other people can’t.”  ...

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