Race Coverage

Payne & Patzer Triumph at Oakdale...

lydiaPartial results from Saturday's Oakdale Duathlon:

1. Matthew Payne, 34-

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Weekend Racing Stuff...

mattbrianWeekend Race Coverage - Oakdale Duathlon and Lakes to Pines Triathlon coverage, courtesy of Matt Payne and Brian Maas (photos), plus MTN commentary will post on Monday. Results links should be posted on Sunday evening.

STRONG RECOMMENDATIONS - MTN loves its advertisers and encourages our readership to use their products or services or attend their races. Coming up on May 21 is the 2nd annual Green Lake Duathlon in scenic Spicer. This great event features great courses, an amazing transition area and a post-race "Ribfest," that is nothing short of transplendent. Do this, okay!...

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I Almost Shot the Minnow...

swim(Photo - Ang flashing the Luv Ya sign at the pool. This photo was taken weeks ago.)

By Hopper

I never swam as a kid at Discovery Middle School, the start of the Chain of Lakes triathlon. I started swimming in 3rd grade, continued until I graduated. Summer swimming was a life changing experience. All us kids would pile into a yellow school bus and drive to our swim meets together. We were literally a family, the

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Directionally Challenged...

ridersBy Micah Turman

Race Coverage - On Sept. 12th, 2010, I crossed the line at IMWI with lackluster results, for the amount of training time and commitment that I (and my coach, Chuckie V) thought I had put into my first ironman. I won't go into details, but the story is familiar: good swim, awesome bike, poor run. It wasn't even a run; it was a 26.2 mile shuffle/walk. After that day, I seriously considered not racing triathlons again. I wasn't upset about my race result, but somewhere during that summer of training 20 hours a week, working 50 hours a week, and trying to fulfill all other obligations, the line between fun and work became blurred, and I could no longer tell the difference....

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Made to be Broken...UPDATED...

cincoRace Coverage - Records, like taco shells, are made to be broken.

Sam Janicki ran like a banshee (pronounced "Banchy") on Saturday at the 4th annual Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon. In fact, he ran like a banshee twice. And betwixt those banshee-esque pedestrian segments, he rode like an banshee; maybe even banshee-er than either run. The result was a 12:44 lowering of Dereck Podratz's race record and the 8th victory of his impressive young career. In Podratz' defense, though, his CR was set under conditions that can best be described as frosty with Edmund Fitzgerald-sinking winds....

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Weekend Racing Stuff...UPDATED...


Michelle* 9th annual CHAIN OF LAKES TRIATHLON - East Gull Lake's Michelle Andres (photo) crushed the women's course record this morning, lopping 2:50 off Jen Lenarz's 2009 mark. Lenarz placed 3rd today. Finishing between Andres, who now has eight career multipsort wins, and three-time COLT champ (Lenarz), was the outrageously cool Angie Hop, 40, who's 1:05:15 trashed the women's masters CR and was like a gazillion minutes faster than her 2010 time. Ang's attitude-infused race report will post on Monday morning....

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