Race Coverage

The World According to Baz...

baz(Photo - Aussie director, screenwriter, producer, Baz Luhrmann. Ever hear of him? Didn't think so. But Darin has.)

Everyone Was Free to Wear Sunscreen at Liberty

By Darin Wieneke

Liberty Coverage - I am sitting here writing this race recap after applying pure aloe vera gel to my sunburned back for the third time. Ouch. If I would have just remembered the lyrics from the popular graduation song

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The Julester Is Hooked!....Updated...

Julie(Facebook Photo - Former cheap wine drinker and occasional pot smoker, The Julester, lost her tri-virginity at Trinona this morning. And she is totally unashamed! FYI, we may have made totally up the part about her being a party girl.)

* Trinona Sprint - In a race preview we posted last Thursday (LINK), we predicted that tri-newby Julie, aka "The Julester," would get totally hooked on the tri lifestyle when she crossed the finish line at Trinona Sprint.trinona Moments ago the former alleged semi-Party Girl told us that our prediction was correct! She's hooked and can't wait to enter another race.

Here's how she did: She finished 247th overall (554 entrants), 7th 45-49W. Her splits: 14:04 swim / 43:12 Bike (15.3 mph) / 29:13 Run (9:45 pace).

Congrats Julester! And MTN love goes out to all those who lost their tri-virginity at Trinona this morning. Trinona Sprint RESULTS...Much more stuff on the next page...

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Michelle Andres is a Silly Goose....

silly goose(Gear West Du Photo - Silly goose, Michelle Andres doing that T2 thing. Probably a Denny Johnson pic. Or perhaps a Sarah Stenzel shot.)

Liberty Triathlon - Dan Arlandson popped a 4:13:22 this morning at the 5th annual Liberty Half in the bucolic western suburbs of the Twin Cities. His closest challenger, the insanely likable Todd Landgraff, crossed fourteen minutes later. Chicago-based Austrian, Edward (pronounced "Ed-Vard") Gadient, filled out the guy's Top 3. He is probably very likable, too.

The ever-amazing and totally tan and ripped Jan Guenther was the first woman to cross the finish line. It appeared that she had just won her fifth half IM since turning 40 in 2000. Her time was 4:57:05. A moment later Michelle Andres finished in an apparent 4:58.

But not so!

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Holy Buckets & Maple Syrup...

claire (Facebook Photo - Claire Bootsma before the surgery.)

ED. We asked Buffalo Olympic winners, Claire Bootsma and Jon Balabuck to comment on their performances. Here are their words.

By Claire Bootsma

Holy buckets, was that race ever fun!

I had some feelings of trepidation leading up to Buffalo as I had not previously competed in any race

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Speed and Serotonin...


Facebook Photos L - R - Lila Tully (can you believe she's 60!), the incognito Cheryl Zitur & Gabby Keller and Gunther. These girls set some awesome records at Buffalo last Sunday.

Race Coverage Stuff - Sunday was a record-setting day. Warm, without being too hot. Breezy; enough to facilitate evaporation but not enough to slow one down. Clear and sunny; enough to lift spirits of a chronic malcontent....

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Weekend Stuff...

logo* Pigman XX Notes - St. Paul's Dan Hedgecock won his third race of the year this morning at the 20th edition Pigman Sprint Triathlon. Sure, he was awesome in his victory at Gear West. And even awesomer in his record-setting effort at Apple.

Arguably, however, he turned in his awesomest performance to date at Little Pig, where he lowered the amateur course record by 28 seconds. Iowa's Patrick Davis and Circle Pines Patrick Parish, both of whom earned USAT Athlete of the Year Honorable Mentions in 2010, rounded out the men's podium. Seven-time Pigman Sprint champ Kevin O'Connor took fourth.

Former Rochesterite Joanna Hall finished 4th in the women's competition, her 1:15:39 was almost three minutes faster than her 2010 time, which landed her in 7th place. RESULTS

* Buffalo Tri Notes and other weekend stuff on the next page...

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