Race Coverage

A Great-To-Be-Alive-Day in New Brighton...

gabby(Photo by Karen Dawson - 19-year-old UND student, Gabby Bunten, enjoyed a successful tri debut at New Bri. She finished 2nd in her AG. Isn't she cute!)

New Bri Tri Stuff - After an exciting womano a womano battle in which Hilary Patzer stalked and ultimately overtook Lydia Novotny, the acupuncturist/herbalist/elite Nordic skier-turned-triathlete emerged victorious this morning at the 6th annual New Bri Tri. Twas Patzer's second consecutive multi win of 2011, and her first tri triumph.

Jill Ellenbecker grabbed the final women's podium spot.

In the men's competition, the battle for first appeared to unfold in much the same way the ladies' race did. It was a mano a mano between 2009 New Bri champ, Brendon O'Flanagan, and Kris Koepp, with the...

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Running to a Record...

apple startsMTN is pleased to post journalist Andy Rennecke's great coverage and Kimm Anderson's cool photos of Saturday's Apple Duathlon. This story appeared in Sunday's St. Cloud Times.)

By Andy Rennecke (sctimes.com)


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Dan Hedgecock is Really Really Fast...

dan(SCtimes.com's Kimm Anderson photo - Dan Hedgecock winning the 29th Apple Duathlon.)

Apple Duathlon Stuff - It was one of the most seriously anti-social performances you're likely to witness, Chrissie Wellington's IM efforts notwithstanding. Leading from mat to mat, Daniel Hedgecock was clearly not interested in matching strides or pedal strokes with his elite peers at today's Apple Duathlon. A minute ahead of the field entering T1, his lead coming out of T2 had more than doubled. He arrived at the finish line with his nearest challenger, Brooks Grossinger, four minutes in arrears. In the history of this course, only four times were faster. And each of those clockings were turned in by first-tier pro David Thompson. Hedgecock's final 1:21:31 axed a full 1:34 off

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Fiddlers, Gettin' Chicked & Time in the Hurt Locker...

pamBy Jeremy Sartain

Triple-T Ohio is not for the faint of heart. Three days, 4 triathlons capping off with a half IM distance. It would be an adventure for Pam Nielsen and me from the get-go.

Pam and I decided to team up for the Triple-T. You race the first 2 races on your own (a very short sprint and an Olympic the next morning) followed by draft legal racing (for teams only) the final 2 stages (a modified Olympic of bike/swim/run and a half IM). To say the course is hilly is an understatement at best. The run is off-road and climbs all the way out with 2 steep pitches. The bike courses had grades up to 22% and many a switchback both climbing and descending. Bike handling skills are a must and road bikes with at least a 25 cog on the back are highly recommended....

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Back-And-Forth Battling...

claire(Photo - Claire Bootsma appears to be looking for a contact lens.)

Rain, Rain Go Away....

By Darin Wieneke

Gear West Du Coverage - Is it going to rain the entire weekend? About 400 participants of the Gear West Duathlon must have been asking themselves this question as they stared out their windows on Saturday as the thunder cracked and the rain fell harder. Fortunately for these participants and Minnesota multisport fans, the answer was "No." The 19th edition of the Gear West Duathlon was able to sneak in between severe weather fronts and take place under mostly partly cloudy skies (and even see a few peaks of sunshine) on Sunday....

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Words & Images From Willmar...

nathanRace Coverage - Here are some words and images that appeared in Willmar's West Central Tribune.

As rains falls, overall champion Nate Hoffman, front, of Annandale, leads the field out of the Saulsbury Beach parking lot to start the second annual Green Lake Duathlon Saturday morning. Hoffman, competing for the first time at Spicer, won the five miles of running, sandwiching a 13-mile bike, by over seven minutes in 1:07.44.

Tribune story & photos by Rand Middleton....

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