Fluids Are Good...

Triathlete-Drinking-Water.pngBy Dr. Michael Williams

How Should I Hydrate to Increase Sports Performance?

Maintianing proper hydration levels is very important for many reasons. Drinking adequate fluids will help prevent overheating, aid in digestion as well as absorption of nutrients and removal of waste products, and prevent dehydration. Exercise elevates body temperature, and cooling the body becomes increasingly difficult when you are inadequately hydrated. Proper hydration also helps to prevent muscle injuries. You body does not have a...

reservoir of stored water so it is very important to maintain adequate fluids for optimal performance.

The National Athletic Trainers Association released the following guidelines for athletes to maintain proper hydration:

  • 2-3 hours before competition/training athletes should ingest 17-20 fluid oz of water

  • 10-20 minutes before exercise athletes should ingest 7-10 oz of water

  • During exercise water intake should approximate the fluid lost to sweat and urine. This will usually require 7 – 10 oz of water or sports drink for every 10-20 minutes of exercise. If the exercise is of moderate intensity or lasts less than 45-50 minutes, water will suffice. If the exercise is longer than 45-50 minutes or is of heavy intensity, a carbohydrate based sports drink should be included

  • To truly maintain proper hydration, athletes should weigh themselves before and after their exercise. Athletes should drink fluid equal to 150% of the weight lost after they exercise. This should be done within 2 hours of activity and no more than 4-6 hours after exercise

If you have questions related to hydration, a current injury, or performance Contact me at Premier Sports & Spine Center today.

Dr. Michael Williams DC, CCSP, CSCS, FMT, GT
