Love For Jess...



For the MTN Guys, the greatest benefit of our involvement with Minnesota's multisport community are the friendships we make.

Today, we are writing about one of our wonderful friends from Duluth, a lady who took the 2017 season off to do other stuff. We missed her and hope that she comes back strong this season.


In addition to her being a great person with almost 2000 Facebook friends, Jess is a health and fitness entrepeneur. Check out her bio, which we filched from her website. It's impressive stuff.

Hey! I’m Jess. I’m a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and elite triathlete.

I studied exercise science at the University of MN Duluth, and been personal training, teaching, and coaching since 2007.

I am a 7x Team USA triathlete and have competed in the 2011 ITU World Championship in Beijing, 2013 in London, 2015 in Chicago, and 2016 in Cozumel. I made All American in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016...

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Why is Triathlon so Expensive?



By Professor Multisport (Erin Beresini - triathlete.com)


For the same reason Beyoncé tickets cost a fortune: because it’s an awesome, bragging-rights-for-life experience. With secondary market ticket prices averaging $353 a pop for her 2016 Formation Tour, the Beyoncé experience is valued right up there with a 70.3. And tickets in major metropolitan areas cost more than twice that, just like Ironman can get ridiculously expensive the closer you get to tall buildings. (Remember when Ironman New York was going to cost $1,200!?)

Seriously though, it does tend to be more of a money suck to race tris in the U.S. than in other places. We know this because we talked to triathletes from other places and they told us of magical things that occur in their native lands that make a tri addiction more of a cute tick than a potentially intervention-worthy spending problem....

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Sibling Rivalry...



A dad asked us recently if two siblings had ever been nominated for the Junior of the Year award in the same season.

Good question.

Though there have always been families with multiple talented teen triathletes, there has never been a season where a pair of sisters or brothers were nominated for JOY. The closest we've come to that was in 2013, when Paige Danielson was almost nominated alongside her sister, Greta, who had won the award twice. Greta aged-up in 2014 paving the way for Paige to claim the award for herself.

Problems with nominating siblings are many. They tend to do the same races as their brothers or sisters, and one, typically the oldest, tends to win the battle for family bragging rights. If the siblings either chose different races or took turns in the Winners Circle, plus had outperformed other teens in the region, then it s conceivable that a pair of brothers or sisters could be nominated in the same year.

But that hasn't happened yet. Though it may happen soon, perhaps even this year.

Who are we talking about? The Lundquist sisters, Taylor, now 18, and Simone, now 16 (photo)....

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Building the Sport....

ED. Last Wednesday, Suzie Fox, one of our favorite people, sent us this email request. We were happy to oblige.
Dear MTN Guys,
If you have an open day on MTN I was wondering if you would be so kind as to share 3 upcoming opportunities for youth in triathlon with your readers? Hopefully with your help we can turn some more first-time kiddos into regular triathletes in 2018!
The first is the 14th Annual Minnetonka Youth Triathlon on Saturday May 5th! Registration & details can be found right here: https://minnetonka.ce.eleyo.com/course/3333/winter-spring-2018/youth-triathlon%E2%80%941
Volunteers are still needed as well, distances are perfect for newbies & very non-threatening, the swim is in a pool too. Parents & family please join me in volunteering, it is so much more fun & useful then standing around & waiting! There are positions open where you can watch the event or volunteer before it even starts....

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To Train or Not to Train While Sick...



By Mackenzie Madison (usatriathlon.org)


If you’re an athlete, becoming sick while training can be frustrating. Deciding whether to keep training or even to stop training is equally frustrating. Your decision should be based upon the benefits and risks of training during the illness and the severity of the illness. We are balancing compromises between detraining but hastening recovery, maintaining fitness but potentially prolonging the illness or disease.

In your favor, athletes are generally less susceptible to common viral illness, have better immune competency and recover quicker.(1, 2) Studies have shown that exercise at low to moderate intensities boosts the immune system activity, temporarily. Not in your favor, the immune system weakens following highly stressful training or racing. The perfect storm for crippling the immune system includes cumulative high-intensity and long-duration training to exhaustion, sleep deprivation, severe caloric restriction, strong psychological stress and having more than a single illness. Gremlins aside, just doing a longer race typically suppresses the immune system for up to 72 hours. ...

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