Minnesota's All American Triathletes: Men...



In our previous post, we highlighted the twenty-nine women who earned USAT All American triathlete recognition. Today we reveal the twenty-eight Minnesota men who were ranked among the 2017 All Americans.



20-24 Men – 77 AA

  • 64th – Christopher Lam (Rochester)

25-29 Men – 123 AA

  • 48th – Jordan Roby (St. Louis Park)

  • 8rd - Jacob Olsen (Minneapolis)

30-34 Men – 188 AA

  • 17th Sean Cooley (St. Paul)

  • 32nd – Joe Adriaens (Elk River)

  • 45th – Kris Spoth (St. paul)

  • 66th – Wade Cruser (Sauk Rapids)

  • 79th – Nathan Ansbaugh (Minneapolis)...

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So Long...For Now?

BREAKING TRI NEWS: Today, we were supposed to post the list of Minnesota men who earned All American honors in 2017. That will appear tomorrow. Today, we are posting a letter from Bill Corcoran. We'd be lying if we didn't admit that this news totally bums us out.

Dear Buffalo Triathlete, 

It is with our deepest regret that we must inform you that this years Buffalo Triathlon is being officially postponed due to historically low registration numbers and the increasing cost of running the event. Since 2014, the total number of participants at the Buffalo Triathlon has dropped between 20% and 30% each year.  Last year, the race was run at an overall loss, and 2018 is already more than 20% behind from last years registration numbers.  Nationally, triathlon participation has been on a steady decline for about the past 5 years, and MN alone has seen more than 30 races cancelled just in the past couple years.  Although a number of options are being explored, it is likely that the Buffalo Triathlon will be...

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29 Minnesota Women Are All American Triathletes...



USAT released its of 2017 amateur All American triathlete rankings on Monday. Today we reveal the twenty-nine women (and the two “Honorary” Minnesotans) who earned AA honors. Please note that eight of those women were from our “Fabulous 50-54 AG.”


Tomorrow we will reveal the Minnesota men who were named 2017 All Americans.


20-24 Women – 58 AA

  • 3rd – Maddy Pesch (St. Cloud, living in Madison, WI)

  • 17th – Maggie Weiss (Excelsior)

  • 34th – Kristina Swenson (Rogers)

25-29 Women – 91 AA

  • 1st – Dani Fischer (Hon. MN – Indianapolis, former of Rochester)

  • 12th – Gaby Bunten (Forest Lake)

  • 34th – Nicole Heininger (Rochester)

30-34 Women – 127 AA

  • 30th – Christina Roberts (St. Louis Park)

  • 33rd – Kelly Trom (Minneapolis)

  • 101st – Maleah Murphy (Sartell)

  • 113th – Jessie Stevens

  • 127th – Suzie Fox (Chaska)...

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Will Minnesotans Rock @ Du Nationals?



ED. Duathlon Nationals is earlier than usual this year, happening in South Carolina on the 7-8 of April. Are Minnesota run-bike-runners aware o this? We hope so. We'd love to see the 2018 season kicked off with Minnesota success at Nationals. This would be a great lead-in to our state's spring du season, which starts with Falls on April 28, then heads to Square Lake (Cinco Du Mayo), Oakdale and then to Sartell (Apple). 


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — The top amateur run-bike-run athletes in the country will compete for national titles next month, as the USA Triathlon Duathlon National Championships head to Greenville, South Carolina. Three action-packed races will take place over two days from April 7-8 at Lakeside Park, a scenic venue in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. More than 1,000 athletes are expected to compete.

On Saturday, April 7, duathletes will toe the line for the Draft-Legal Sprint Duathlon National Championships. The first wave is set to go off at 7:30 a.m. ET, and competitors will cover a 5-kilometer run, draft-legal 18-kilometer bike and another 2.85-kilometer run. The fast-paced draft-legal format, which enables athletes to pace off each other and work together on the bike, is typical in elite International Triathlon Union races and is becoming increasingly popular at the age-group level. ...

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You Can't Do It All!



By Kelly O'Mara, aka The Salty Triathlete (triathlete.com)

People always ask me, “You’re so impressive, how do you do it all?” Because I am very impressive. What I tell them is this: The only way to do the things you care about well is to stop doing the things you don’t care about—which you were probably doing badly anyway....

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