Stuff You Shouldn't Say to a Triathlete...


By Lisa Dolbear (ironman.com)


Oh, October. That wonderful time of the year when most triathletes begin the off season and take some time to rest and do something other than swim, bike or run. Chances are, your arms and legs aren’t the only things that are tired—if you’ve been on the multisport scene for any length of time, you’re also likely tired of hearing the peanut gallery chime in with some of these common questions and declarations. Here's how to respond. Just remember to be nice.


1. "All you ever do is work out, don't you have a life?"

Why yes, I do. Nothing makes me MORE alive than bringing back childhood through swimming, biking and running while enhancing them with the competitive spirit.


2. "I could do a tri, I just don't have the time."

News flash: We don't have the time either, but we've found a way to carve it out of our busy lives because that's what you do when you commit to something important to you. Thirty-five year old mother of two, part-time MBA student, community volunteer, fitness instructor and full-time marketing professional Darcy DiBiase is no stranger to busy schedules. She’s also no stranger to triathlon. "I learned how to own my world at 5:30 a.m., and use the time before everyone else’s day started to do things for myself," the three-time Iron Girl finisher says. "And time is only one of the resources I needed to be successful—I’ve also found the right people along the way to keep me motivated and committed to my goals."  ...

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Mitchell's 2017 Report Card...


ED. The MTN Guys are big fans of Mitchell Clayton, a fine young man from an awesome family who also happened to win the Minnesota Junior of the Year award in 2015. We are also big fans of his tri blog. Over the next few weeks we'll be sharing three of his posts, starting with his reflections on his 2017 season. Enjoy.


By Mitchell Clayton (mitchellclaytontriblog.wordpress.com)

(Posted October 14, 2017)

It’s about time I evaluate this past season, it’s mid-October for Pete’s sake! The 2017 multisport season was different than all of my other past seasons, in both positive and negative ways. So, I think I will just give some holistic and general reflections and then give race-specific reflections…

  • I started training A LOT later than I would have liked to.  School was very busy for me all last year, and this took away nearly all the time that I would have liked to devote to swimming, biking, and running.  I started my planned, structured, and actually legitimate training on June 4th.
  • Because I started training late, I didn’t start racing until July 8th.  In a typical season, I would have had 4 races or so under my belt heading into July....

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Full Effort...


By Denton Ketels (Magazine.grinnell.edu)
Madeleine Pesch ’16 likes to joke that she would never have found Grinnell if it weren’t for the “amazing pool” she first saw in a swimming-and-diving brochure. She went on to record plenty of stellar accomplishments in the Russell K. Osgood pool during her four years, but the double major in chemistry and gender, women’s, and sexuality studies (GWSS) meant taking academics just as seriously. Pesch’s balanced effort won her both the Honor G Scholastic Award and the President’s Medal, which is presented annually to the senior who exemplifies the ideal Grinnell student in terms of scholarship, leadership, poise, maturity, responsibility, and service....

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In Defense of Late Sleepers...



By Kelly O'Mara, aka the "Salty Triathlete" (triathlete.com)


Every weekend, some friend texts me wanting to meet at 7 a.m. (or, God forbid, earlier) for a ride. No, just no. It is Sunday. I am sleeping and riding at a reasonable hour. Like 10 a.m.

You’re laughing. You’re thinking, “10 a.m. is ridiculous, lazy, everyone knows you have to ride earlier than that. Who does this girl think she is?” I know you’re thinking that because everyone thinks that, because we’ve all been conditioned to believe earlier is better.

We think of early risers as go-getters, hard workers. We cajole people not to waste their days, and we wrap it up in a sense of moral superiority. Studies have found those who arrive at offices earlier are perceived as better employees—even if they’re working the same total number of hours at the late risers. Built into our society is the adage: “The early bird gets the worm.” There’s no saying like, “The worm would probably be better off sleeping in.”  ...

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Overtrained? Eat More!



Use these three simple but effective nutrition changes to help dig yourself out of a hole.


By Jeff Gaudette (triathlete.com)


If you’re a fairly serious athlete, you’re bound to go through periods in your training cycle when you over do it. Even elite athletes, who have coaches literally monitoring almost every step they take, can fall into the trap of training too hard and pushing their body beyond its limits.


While finding the perfect balance between putting in the necessary miles and allowing for proper recovery is the Holy Grail, the reality is that many often overstep the tight rope that is optimal training and find themselves bordering on being overtrained and desperate for recovery....

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