The Secret is: There's No Secret....




By Kelly O'Mara (The Salty Triathlete - triathlete.com)


Look for a new “A Brief Complaint from a Salty Triathlete” from Kelly O’Mara every month in Triathlete magazine.

There it was, right in front of my eyes: “Read Jan Frodeno’s Mental Trick That Helped Him Win Kona.” Yes, I was going to learn the secret! I’d be unstoppable! I clicked on the headline and started reading.

Turns out, Frodo tries not to think about the whole race all at once. He likes to break the day up into sections and bits that are easier to tackle mentally.

No kidding.

That’s not so much a secret or a trick, as a well-established mental race tactic packaged in trick’s clothing. And it’s one I, theoretically, already know. I already know no one should ever think about the entirety of an Ironman stretched out in front of them. I know I’m supposed to focus on one chunk at a time in a race. Yet, clearly, I’m no Jan Frodeno. What am I doing wrong?  ...

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New Friendships and Self-Improvement...




By Jodelle Migely


For many, if not all of us, the sport of triathlon has in some way impacted our lives in a meaningful way.  This gratitude we feel towards the sport is the exact reason why we have created Forte Trialthon Club for kids.  This Spring/Summer, a handful of dedicated, competitive and passionate women are offering up the opportunity for boys and girls age 8-14 to start building a foundation to learn and love the sport of triathlon.  


The idea for Forte Triathlon Club for kids started on the way back to the Twin Cities after volunteering at Ironman Wisconsin last September.  Two conversations collided serendipitously.  The first, a conversation about the significance of learning to love a sport that you can do your whole life.  The second about kids and the opportunities they have to play sports today. 

With the level of competition surrounding youth sports, and limited numbers of athletes allowed onto teams, how do we keep kids active?  How do we teach them that being active is awesome and feels good?   The sport of triathlon is a place to grow, learn, challenge yourself, make new friends and demand a better version of yourself! ...

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IMPORTANT Updates....Doing His Part...


By Mitchell Clayton (mitchellclaytontriblog.wordpress.com)


(Posted on April 3, 2018 by Mitch)


Over the past month or two I had been posting training updates every 6 days or so, and its been a longer while since my last post! I don’t want to write on-an-on, so here are some bullet points highlighting what I’ve been up to…

  • I took the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) on Saturday, March 24. So, my training block leading up to that date was mostly skipped or significantly shortened. That Saturday also started my spring break, and I only ran once or twice over break because I was exhausted from all of my preparations for the MCAT, and because I traveled a bit (Bayfield, Wisconsin once and Duluth twice).
  • SO, I plan to get back on track with my training sometime this week.

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My Every Damn Day List...




By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)


Winter was rough this year – the dark subzero days just never seemed to end. Maybe getting through a Minnesnowta winter is another form of endurance training? Like any race, there was a lotof positive self-talk to remind me that there was no possible way it could stay cold and snowy and bundled in an ankle-length down jacket forever… right? (For the record, I wore mine nearly every day from October to mid-April this year – seven months, people!)

In addition to the positive self-talk, there were also little things I did to keep my spirits up. Pretty mundane things, actually, but nonetheless they brought small moments of sunshine + happiness to each day. I didn’t have a name for them until I read a blog post from Yes and Yes

The every damn day list. 

Ah-ha! ...

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Snorkels Are Legal! Who Knew?


By Allie Burdick (usatriathlon.org)


No one chooses triathlon it for its simplicity. With so many moving parts and countless pieces of equipment and gear, it’s easy to overlook or simply disregard an argument for one more thing to add to your seemingly endless packing list. However, there is a tool that not only helps execute one of the most nerve-wracking disciplines of the sport but is also lightweight, inexpensive and legal to use in any USA Triathlon Sanctioned Race in the U.S. What is this magic device? A snorkel.


A little-known fact is the snorkel is completely legal to use without restriction and without penalty in USA Triathlon racing events in the United States. We reached out to Certified Official Tom Reilly for full disclosure:

“Snorkels are legal equipment for use by triathletes under the USA Triathlon competitive rules. USAT rules outline what you cannot do versus what you can do. Swimming conduct is covered under Article IV in the USATriathloncompetitiverules. Nowhere under Article IV ...

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