"I Know I have More in Me"...

michelle-chocolate.gifBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)


It’s finally time…time to get to work and put myself out there.  The sticky notes are posted on my fridge and on the bathroom mirror.  The clock is ticking to the starting line and there can be no more…”Starting Monday….”   Several Mondays have come and gone and my training goals have been pushed to the back burner.

The question I have asked myself so many times since Kona is….Why can’t I flip the switch and just be dedicated?  I have spent a lot of time wondering why it feels so different this time and why do I so easily decide to sleep in instead of heading to the pool or why do I so easily say yes to baking chocolate chip cookies.  I think part of it was/is I feel Lee and the boys supported me so much to reach my goal in Kona.  There was this unspoken feeling that all this “sacrifice” was temporary and then mom would be back.  So for me to say… hey guys…let’s do this again…mom wants to go for it again.  There is this feeling inside of me like I am being very selfish.  There are things I know to be true in life from experiences and one is actions speak louder than words.  It’s possible to dream big dreams, go for it, and still be a mom, wife, teacher, and student (for one more semester). ...

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Meal Train For Greta & Sarah...

greta-and-baby.gifED. Yesterday, we received this email from Caire Bootsma. We're happy to share it and hope that some of you can help out.



Seeing you this weekend sparked a thought in my brain.  I am thinking you should do a post about "The Most Incredible Physical Feat Accomplished by a MN Triathlete So Far This Year"....Greta Simpson giving birth to triplets.  Yeah, three babies!  This popped into my head because I've been following her meal train-- (https://www.mealtrain.com/invitation/Default.aspx?id=mkkb8ymrpqxt)--and while there was lots of interest immediately after the triplets were born, it seems like it has petered out, all their meal requests for the next two weeks are not yet filled.  With all three of the babies home from the...

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Taylor Wins Grand Slam...


by Kara Deschenes (ironman.com)

Triathlon wasn’t Gregory Taylor’s first love, but it ended up being one of his most enduring. Having begun the sport as a side effect of off-season training for Nordic ski racing and biathlon (skiing and shooting), he entered a race deemed "The World’s Toughest Triathlon" at the urging of a friend in 1989. After swimming two miles in Lake Tahoe, cycling 100 miles in the Sierra Mountains, and running 18 miles on backcountry trails, Taylor finished the race in tenth place. With two IRONMAN World Championship slots rolling down as far as the seventh place athlete, he narrowly missed the chance to score a spot and left the race satisfied with his accomplishment....

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Life's Demands...

strom.-logo.gifED. Two-time Minnesota Triathlete of the Year nominee, Marcus Stromberg, who was ranked #2 on Team Minnesota in 2014, is at a crossroads in his life. Here he talks about a very important, and very difficult, decision he made recently.


By Marcus Stromberg (from Facebook)

Everyday we make decisions. Some are easy, some are hard, some are good, and some are bad. But each and everyone has consequences. On Nov. 9th, 2014 I made the decision to follow my dream of becoming a Residential General Contractor and started Stromberg Built, LLC. I knew it would be a life changing decision but wasn't sure what sacrafices I'd have to make to chase that dream....

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Sophomore Success Stories...

emy-pets.gifIn 2010, first-year triathletes Dan Hedgecock and Claire Bootsma were outshined by fellow ROY nominees Jenny Shaughnessy and Sam Janicki. The MTN Guys did not predict that Hedge and Claire would achieve stardom in their sophomore seasons. In 2011, they were their respective gender's Triathletes of the Year. Hedge even earned a USAT AOY HM. Boots was considered for the same honor as well, but did not make the final cut. Claire did however end Cathy Yndestad's four-year reign atop Team Minnesota.

In 2003, CY was nominated for ROY. We did not foresee her winning the Most Improved award the next year, but she did.

Similarly, we did not predict Heather Lendway's mercurial ascension from MN Rookie of the Year in 2012 to arguably the the best female amateur triathlete that America has ever produced in just a year's time. In her first three seasons, ...

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