"Meet Yourself Where You Are"...

BeginnersLuck.gifTake ownership of the awesomeness within you—no matter where you are.

By Meredith Atwood (triathlon.competitor.com)

Well, I’m not really a runner,” I told the teeny, clearly-a-runner girl at the gym. We were in the locker room. My towel was wrapped tightly around my body, making me look like a giant, white sausage. Her towel, loosely draped around her fit frame, seemed to wrap around her twice. “Yeah, not really a runner,” I said again. “I just try really hard.” I figured that sabotaging qualification bought me some sort of pass for my big butt and woeful treadmill pace....

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Racing in Hot Weather Doesn't Have to Suck...

running-in-heat.gifATTENTION:  Liberty RESULTS. Words and pics on Tuesday.

By Angie Anderson (usatriathlon.org)

There is a lot of information out there on how to race in the heat. Common heat acclimatization protocols have athletes training in saunas or in the highest heat of the day. If your big race is likely going to take place in high temperatures with full sun, these race-day tips will surely make the event more comfortable. You may not be able to beat the heat, but with a little bit of planning, you can certainly manage it better.

Below are a number of strategies to help you keep your cool on a tough, hot day. Experience in the heat of battle has proven that these tips will make your day a little less steamy!  ...

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Do Supplements Help Performance?...RACE RESULTS...

supplements.gifED.  - Minnesota men sweep Du National (Standard Distance) podium and grab two of the top three women's spots. Kevin O'Connor wins the Sprint. USAT coverage tomorrow. More words and pics on Tuesday. - RESULTS

- Devon Palmer and Sarah Mercer win convincingly at New Bri - RESULTS

By Katie Davis (usatriathlon.org)

As we near the outdoor competitive season, many athletes are thinking about their performance nutrition regimen. Some may start experimenting with powders, pills or other mysterious products that promise enhanced recovery, increased muscle gains and better energy during workouts. I love discussing supplements with my athletes because — unlike a lot of Internet outlets — my advice is 100 percent science-based, unbiased and unpaid for by any companies. Here are three things I tell my athletes that many supplement companies would not be too thrilled to hear.

1. The marketed positive outcomes of supplements is often based on theory, not proven science. ...

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Sleep Deprivation Is Not Good...

tshirt.gifBy Dr. Krishna R. Polu (active.com)

When I was an internal medicine intern, my friends used to tell me I was nuts. Back then I would work and work and then work some more, often on no sleep. A typical call day would start at 6 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. the following day. If I slept for an hour during that time I considered myself lucky.

After my shift, I would head to the pool, go for a run or get on my bike for a workout. Sleep became a luxury (not a priority) as I tried to fit everything into my hectic schedule.

Despite the long hours at work, I was determined to stay in shape and keep competing in triathlon. Often I would feel dizzy or lightheaded during these workouts, but trudged through them regardless. Sometimes when I was spinning at the gym I would close my eyes and take one-minute naps. This ludicrous behavior finally ended when I fell asleep and drove off the road returning home from the pool. After that, sleep grew as a priority....

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Realistic Expectations...

erin-s.gifBy Erin Sontowski (usatriathlon.org)

My name is Erin Sontowski, and I am in my second year of multisport racing. To most people in this community, that would make me a newbie. Which I completely agree with. Heck, I still get real nervous about getting knocked over on a windy day while on my aerobars. (That may be a whole different thing altogether though, let's just say coordination has never been my strongest skill.)

I am lucky enough to have a wonderful coach who is patient and knowledgeable, and it certainly doesn't hurt that he is my big brother. After spending the last eight years watching my older brother, Mike, compete as an elite-level triathlete, I knew it was inevitable that I would end up joining him along the way. He has worked so hard to be an amazing athlete, and now he can add USA Triathlon Level I and Youth and Junior Certified Coach to his resume. Now, as one of his athletes, I get to share my triumphs as well as my struggles with him both as a brother and a coach. Plus when he gives me particularly grueling hill or sprint workouts, I get to share words with him that I probably wouldn't with any other coach that wasn't blood related....

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