Nutritional "Ah Ha!" Moments...

salt-shaker2.gifhigh_fiber_foods1.gifbeer_pint.gifSmall tweaks to nutrition made a big difference for these pros.

By Susan Lacke (triathlon.competitor.com)

There’s a reason nutrition is known as the “fourth discipline” of triathlon—what an athlete eats in and out of training directly impacts swim, bike and run performance. Though some nutritional advice is obvious (drinking water, for example), many triathletes fail to see how certain foods (or lack thereof) limit athletic capacity—that is, until an “ah-ha!” moment takes place.

Some “ah-ha!” moments are subtle, gradual realizations, while others come in the form of a brick wall mid-race. Regardless, one common thread is clear: small changes to nutrition can yield big results in performance. Today, five pros share their nutritional “ah-ha!” moments with Triathlete, along with how you can benefit from their breakthroughs.....

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Be Honest With Yourself...

homer-LSD.gifThe Truth About IM Running


By Mike McHale (mchale76triathlon.blogspot.com)

Truth #1:  I do NOT know the truth about Ironman running.
Truth #2:  Be honest.
Truth #3:  Sometimes I forget about the Alamo.


So my question is (and was) a simple one:  How fast should I run the IM marathon?  Ask 5 coaches and you'll likely get 5 answers.  Ask 5 athletes and you might get 10 answers (think about that one...).  Bottom line, pacing the early part of the marathon is critical to the success of your finish.  This is assuming you've paced the bike correctly, which is another huge assumption....

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Not an Ironman...

jesse-image.gifThere’s more to triathlon than the M-dot, writes Jesse Thomas. (triathlon.competitor.com)

By Jesse Thomas

When I tell people that I’m a professional triathlete, the first question I usually get is: “Have you done THE IRONMAN?” Most people mean one of two things—either “an” Ironman, or “the” Ironman, the one they see on NBC from Kona that’s kind of a big deal.

Of course, my answer is no. As much as it may surprise my dozens of loyal readers, I haven’t done an Ironman. And while I’m a proud two-time finisher of the Kona Underpants Run, I’ve been unable to sell the rights to my hairy-chested tighty whities to NBC.

And answering “no” always saddens me a bit. Not because I haven’t done an Ironman, but because something in the question, or the tone or the look I get when I respond “no,” makes me feel like I need to justify why I haven’t done an Ironman....

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Women of Yesteryear...

wendy-peterson.gifPhoto - Two-time Minnesota Triathlete of the Year, Wendy Woods-Peterson.

Women of Yesteryear - Back on March 17, MTN published a story about several of the men who represented Team Minnesota prior to 2010, but who haven't been racing locally since then. The point was to not forget those who set the standards in an earlier era. Many of those athletes were true pioneers.

Today we drop some names of the women who rocked the Minnesota scene, and earned spots on Team Minnesota, in the first decade of this century but haven't raced in at least the last five years.

CINDI BANNINK - Ranked 4th on Team Minnesota in 2005, Cindi relocated to Wisconsin in 2006 and immediately established herself as her state's top female amateur. In 2010, Bannink finished 2nd overall at Nationals and earned a USAT AOY HM.

MELANIE CARVELL - A true multisport pioneer, this loveable North Dakotan made at least two editions of Team Minnesota, the last being in 2005. Her book, "Running with the Antelope," published in 2014, is awesome.

MARLO CROSBY - Winner of numerous MMAs, Marlo was ranked #1 on Team Minnesota in 2006....

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To Beard. Or Not to Beard....

beard-guy.gifBy Eric Turner (eturnertri.com)

Race day is coming next week and it will be my first shot at 70.3 distance. With all the press lately about the power savings just from shaving your legs I am now torn on shaving my beard or not. Here’s some of the back story/pro’s and con’s.

I have had a beard for almost 5 years, shaving with a razor only once when my beloved Blackhawks won the cup. Other than that it has just been some trimming here and there (mostly there). My girlfriend has only seen me without a beard that one time, and she almost broke up with me for shaving (she loves the beard, she’s cool like that). Now I have been trying to get races to add a bearded division for those of us brave enough to race bearded, but have not had much luck, so here I am debating.

Now the benefits are pretty obvious. There’s the aero data that came out about shaving your legs, so I am going to guess shaving the beard would only increase my aerodynamics. There’s also the heat factor, it’s looking like temps around 85 or 90 for race day? I did a track workout this morning and the beard was hot…real hot....

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