"I Know I have More in Me"...

michelle-chocolate.gifBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)


It’s finally time…time to get to work and put myself out there.  The sticky notes are posted on my fridge and on the bathroom mirror.  The clock is ticking to the starting line and there can be no more…”Starting Monday….”   Several Mondays have come and gone and my training goals have been pushed to the back burner.

The question I have asked myself so many times since Kona is….Why can’t I flip the switch and just be dedicated?  I have spent a lot of time wondering why it feels so different this time and why do I so easily decide to sleep in instead of heading to the pool or why do I so easily say yes to baking chocolate chip cookies.  I think part of it was/is I feel Lee and the boys supported me so much to reach my goal in Kona.  There was this unspoken feeling that all this “sacrifice” was temporary and then mom would be back.  So for me to say… hey guys…let’s do this again…mom wants to go for it again.  There is this feeling inside of me like I am being very selfish.  There are things I know to be true in life from experiences and one is actions speak louder than words.  It’s possible to dream big dreams, go for it, and still be a mom, wife, teacher, and student (for one more semester). ...


I don’t have all the answers but I believe it comes down to true motivation and my belief that anything is possible - if you’re willing to put the work in.   Kona was always my goal...just to get there.  Then to make the podium on race day and go under ten hours was just pure bliss.  I’m proud of my training leading up to that day and proud of how I handled all the race day decisions I had to make.  I’m able to look back at the experience with no regrets.  HOWEVER…I know I have more in me....READ MORE
