Race Coverage

Thad Rocks in Chi-Town...Podiums for Diane & DKT...


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Weekend Results Links...

kristin(Photo - Superior Man winner Kristin Gustafson and a guy.)

Sorry we're getting these links posted so late. We crashed hard after we got home from Superior Man yesterday. Who knew it could get so dang hot in Duluth?

SUPERIOR MAN TRIATHLON - Twas an extremely challenging, thus extremely rewarding day. Belligerent in-your-face winds and current, high humidity and triple-digit heat index made just finishing a Badge of Honor more prized than any PR. Sean Cooley repeated as men's champion and Mankato's Kristin Gustafson took the women's title. We're sooooo impressed with Kristin. We'll tell you why in our coverage that will post tomorrow. RESULTS

LAKES COUNTRY TRIATHLON - David Lewis and Sara Sampsell-Jones led the way yesterday in toasty Baxter. Story and photos will post on Wednesday. RESULTS

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The Battle of the Titanettes...

girls(Photo - The Olympic women's podium - L-R- Cathy Yndestad, Heather Lendway and Julia Weisbecker.)

Life Time Tri - Maple Grove - Star rookie Olivia Bagnall knocked almost a minute off Claire Bootsma's 2010 sprint course record today. A guy from Belgium--Thomas Vandiest--and Heather Lendway were victorious in the Olympic event. Just 47 seconds separated Lendway, the reigning USAT women's Overall National Champion, and two-time MGO champ Cathy Yndestad. Photos and more words on Tuesday. RESULTS

Raised By Hippies...

hippiesBy Dan Hedgecock (danhedgecock.blogspot.com)

Two weeks ago I raced the Chisago Half Iron for the third year in a row. It's a fun race about an hour outside of Minneapolis with a great course. Heading into the race I was hoping to improve on my time from last year and get a little closer to a sub 4 hour half, but the race had other plans for me. I swam well enough, and came out of the water in 2nd to Mr Thompson, took a little extra time to put on socks and hit the bike course. It was cool enough that I was thankful whenever the sun came out for a little warmth and somehow the laws of physics allowed a headwind for 50 miles! of the 56 mile bike course. My legs felt great through 30 miles on the bike, but then my lower back and glutes started to tighten up. My bike position isn't overly aggressive, but I hardly ever ride in the aero position for longer than 45 minutes and my body didn't agree with me on 2 hours 15 minutes. By the time I hit mile 50 all I could think about was getting off that damn bike. Of course as soon as I started running all I could think about was not running anymore. All in all it was a fair showing good enough for 2nd and $750. Results Here

Last week I made the 3.5 hour drive to the Wisconsin Dells for my first Rev3 race. The Wisconsin Dells is America's indoor water park capital or something like that and is the biggest tourist trap in the country ...

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Strength Summoning...

dawnED. Dawn Johnson is a triathlete whose brain cancer was diagnosed last spring. On August 11 she raced at the USAT National Sprint Championship.

By Dawn Johnson (braintumorwod.wordpress.com)

USAT SPRINT NATIONALS - The day was Sunday August 11, 2013. Place Milwaukee, WI. I had been waiting for this day since last Fall. I am a former elite triathlete and triathlon coach. This was supposed to be a race to be competitive and do well but the plans changed with my diagnosis of anaplastic astrocytoma and 7 hour brain surgery. Brain cancer was not going to stop me from neither starting nor finishing. In the back of my mind, I knew I was doing this for a cause, the American Brain Tumor Association and for those who cannot. It had been 11 weeks since my brain surgery and just over a week since my last oral chemo dose and radiation treatment. I had been unable to train much because of post-surgical restrictions, slowed recovery from chemotherapy, and fatigue from treatments. I reminded myself with a quote from President Obama at the Boston Marathon Memorial Service,

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Great Venue. Great Day. Great Event....

(YndeCam Photo - Race Director Chuck Smith giving great meeting.)

LAKE MARION VI - This great event is co-director by decorated identical twin triathletes, albeit "lapsed" triathletes (neither has raced in a "Coon's Age," whatever that means?), Chuck and Phil Smith. Being identical, they are difficult to tell apart. As a rule of thumb, Phil is the one who wears baseball caps, usually backward. Chuck is not into hats.

You can also tell the brothers apart by the fact that Chuck, not Phil, conducts the pre-race meeting, and does so with totally cool understated pithiness.

Put differently, Chuck gives great meeting....

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