Race Coverage

Getting Buckled...

heather-bend-ride.gifAn Interview with 2013 LeadmanTri Bend Epic 125 Female Champion Heather Lendway
09/25/2013, 10:30am CDT

By LeadmanTri

The last time we saw Heather Lendway, she won Life Time Tri Maple Grove near her Minnesota hometown on Aug. 24. A crazy fast swim (at 26 minutes she was first out of the water overall) and killer bike split brought her to the top of the female podium at LeadmanTri Bend and earned her 4th overall.

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State Record!

Michelle-Kona.gifIronman World Championships - Last Friday a guy contacted us wanting to know what Minnesota amateur woman has the fastest time at Kona. We dug around a bit and believe that Catherine Lee was our state's fastest female finisher (amateur) at the Super Bowl of Triathlon. In 2010, she turned in a 10:28:27.

The guy asked his question because he assumed that whatever that time was, it was destined to be lowered by one or more of the fast Minnesota women that were scheduled to race on the Big Island on Saturday. We agreed with him that a new state record would be set.

Well, it's Sunday morning. Were we right? Did any of our state's women unseat Cathy Lee?

Oh yeah!

As most of you already know, Michelle Andres turned in a career performance yesterday. Her time was a jaw-dropping 9:50:23, which placed her 3rd in the...

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Minnesotans at Kona...9:50:23!!!!!

IMlogo.gif1:20 PM (MN Time) - Most of the swim splits are in:

Michelle Andres (35-39) - SWIM - 1:09:06 (Andres' split is 4:48 faster than her IMOO '12 swim!) - BIKE - 5:14:29! (7:47 faster than IMOO '12!) - If she can match her IMOO run split, she'll break 10 hours!  - Run Split - 3:20:53 (Two minutes faster than IMOO '12)

Minnesota's  all-time fastest Ironmanwoman just got even faster! 9:50:23!!!!

Cindy Blackstock (40-44) - Swim - 1:32:26 - Bike - 6:27:02 - Run - 4:20:16 - 12:34:36

Paul Bozoian (55-59) - Swim - 1:02:58 - Bike - 5:32:20 - Run - 4:28:02 - 11:13:52

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Channeling My Inner Kobayashi...

old-man-cloud.gifBy Matthew Payne (matthew-payne.blogspot.com - Oct. 1)

Leadman 250 Race Report - A couple weekends ago I was in Bend, OR for a 9+ hour death march otherwise known as the Leadman 250, which is a triathlon consisting of a 5k swim, 223k bike and 23k run.  If you're thinking, "wow, that sounds stupid, nobody should ever race that long," you are officially a smarter person than I am....

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Just Peachy!

ruth-augusta.gifBy Ruth Brennan Morrey


Augusta 70.3 Race Report


Augusta 70.3: Finally, finally, finally…a race without drama for RBM. Throughout my first year of pro racing, race barriers became commonplace and each one challenged me to persevere either tactically, physically, mentally, or mechanically.  Small mistakes/mishaps were magnified and every pedal stroke counted as even long course placings can be decided by mere seconds. This weekend in Augusta, GA, however, there were no stolen transition bags, no agony, no crashes, no flat tires, no 4 foot Adriatic or Lake Michigan swells, no...

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Full Montys & One-and-Done

nickandmeghanwithmedalsBy Nick McCulloch

(Photo credits: Kelly McCulloch, Megan McCulloch and some random people using our cell phone cameras.)


Ironman Lake Tahoe Race Report  Overall impressions:  Absolutely stunning venue and it was a great place to both race and vacation.  This is definitely not the place to ever go fast... ever (ever).  There were quite a few hiccups, probably since it was the inaugural edition.  I'm glad I did it but for this course, I'm one and done.

Before the race:  My wife Megan (who raced as well) and family spent 5 days before the race staying on the lake and we had a chance to bike, run, and swim much of the course.  The weather was nice and the water was always very pleasant for training.  The visibility is shocking - at least 60 feet and you can see all types of sea life from trout to crayfish.  I increased my Gatorade consumption, not to hydrate for the race, but so I had enough bottles to build and deploy an extensive network of crayfish traps filled with bacon hoping to catch some of the 280 million that live in Tahoe... but that effort was unsuccessful.  Part of the bike course was not accessible for the week leading up since it...

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