Race Coverage

Friendly Results...

gretaHarvest Duathlon III - Have you seen the 2013 results page for last Saturday's Harvest Du? At first glance it appears chaotic, as if the participants were listed by height or weight, instead of place or time. This is because we assumed we would see a listing of finishers from 1st to last.

But you know what happens when we assume.

At second glance, though, we figured out that the results were alphabetical, which is cool because it makes everyone equal and people, especially those who finished in the middle or back of the race, can easily look up their own times and places, or those of people they know. So, we get it. These results are designed to be "friendly," which we totally appreciate....

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Saturday Results...

mikey - ST. CROIX VALLEY OLYMPIC & SPRINT - The 13th running of this annual classic was highlighted by David Holden's third consecutive Olympic win and Matt Payne's obliteration of the Sprint course record , plus a bunch of other exciting stuff. Matt and his wife "T-Pain" have a son named Mikey (photo L) who is above average in every way.

Story and photos on Tuesday. RESULTS

- MTN will post a like to HARVEST DUATHLON results as soon as they are available.

Sausage Toes & Pleasant Surprises...

ang and diane(Photo - Dave, Angie and Sausage Toes.)

By Diane Hankee

Ironman Louisville Race Report- The weekend started fast when I drove Angie Schmidt's car through a toll booth without stopping. To my defense there was rain and construction and there are not tolls where I am from. There were points while I was driving her new car through Chicago when she had her eyes covered.

The race was hell, but it was hell for everyone, so an even playing field. The swim was fast and fun. The bike I took easy because I was determined not to overheat. This year, they only had 5 tires blow up from heat the day before during the mandatory bike check in, previous years there has been 100+.

On the bike in the steep out-and-back there was a crash leading to a pile up, and a couple more bike crashes throughout the day. The run was hot and flat, boring, seem to take forever. I was on mile 9 or so, when the first...

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Dave Likes the Heat...

dlBy Shelly Summer

Sports Writer / Brainerddispatch.com


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Superior Challenge...

watercolorSUPERIOR MAN II - A black Standard Poodle the size of a small yak lay in the limited shade of a maple tree not far from the Superior Man finish line. The air was drunk with humidity and the sinister sun was toasting the surface of all planets within a 93 million mile radius. Mars was a much more comfortable place to be on Sunday.

The dog, let's call him Phydeaux, which is French for "Fido," was panting like a banshee. Nordic beauty Brianna Johnson couldn't bear to look at the uncomfortable beast. It reminded her of her similarly furry boyfriend--Ross Weinzierl (Yes! Ross and Brianna are back together! Yay!)--who was on the run course, unprotected by trees and the ability to cool himself via panting, though pant he did for perhaps 40 minutes longer than he had originally intended....

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Hot Competition...


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