Tri Night '15, Race of the Year, IMOO Predictions...

roty.gifTRI NIGHT 2015 - Mark you calendar. Tri Night '15, featuring great food, drink, conversation and the presentation of the EMMAs (Minnesota Multisport Awards), will take place at Gear West Bike & Triathlon in Long Lake on Saturday, November 14. Ticket info will be available soon on the  Gear West B&T website, and on MTN, too. For the fourth straight year, the festivities will include "MMA Bingo." For a $1 contribution, attendees can guess the award winners. The one who has the most correct guesses will take home a wad of sweaty cash. It's a HOOT!


VOTE FOR RACE OF THE YEAR - Voting for "Triathletes Choice Race of the Year" will get underway here on MTN later this week. Make sure you vote for your favorite Minnesota tri or du experience of this season, okay? The winner will be announced at the Tri Night festivities and will receive a custom "Race of the Year" banner. Race Directors, please encourage your racers to vote. And please athletes, if you are racing in next weekend's Fall Classic Du or One Last Tri, wait until after the event to vote. Who knows? one of those races could be your choice for race of the Year.

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Philanthropic Former Triathlete...

PL-Jeremy-Sartain.gifBy Patrick Larkin (lillienews.com)

After getting his prized racing bikes stolen from his garage, East Sider Jeremy Sartain turned the experience into a productive, community oriented venture to put tuned up bikes in the hands of kids throughout the East Side.

With the generosity of residents and the help of some kids from East Side nonprofit the Lift CDC, over 100 tuned-up bikes made their way into the hands of bikeless kids this summer on the East Side.

It all started when Sartain was prepping for his son's fifth birthday party on April 21, at their house in the Phalen Park neighborhood. As he was running around the house getting it ready for the event, he didn't realize his garage, with his two prized bikes sitting in it, had been left open....

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Powers Inspires....

Bob-and-kids.gifBy Liz Sawyer (startribune.com)

Hovering over children at the starting line, standing a little stooped but sturdy, Bob Powers waved his arm signaling “go” to the youngest triathletes in the country.

Between gentle reminders to put on their goggles and do their best, Powers encouraged each heat of kids to pledge a lifelong commitment to health and fitness. As the nation’s oldest triathlete, Powers, a 91-year-old Marine Corps veteran, truly embodies that message.

“Exercise is not only fun, but it gives you skills you can use throughout your entire life,” said Powers, of White Bear Lake. “The Lord gave us a good mind and body, so lets not desecrate it.”  ...

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Cooldown Essentiality....Waseca Results...

warm-up-cooldown.gifUPDATE: O'Connor wins in windswept WASECA. Heilman proves he still has what it takes. Fox post her second win of the weekend. More words and pics to come.  RESULTS

By Ryan Turbyfill (usatriathlon.org)

You’ve just finished a race or hard workout — now what? In order for the workout or race to help you improve as an athlete, it requires two ingredients. The first is stress to the body (check, you just did that) and then recovery to create the adaption. A lot of thought, work and pain goes into the stress, but little goes into the recovery.

During exercise, the muscles burn glucose for energy and create lactic acid as a byproduct. Lactic acid is prevalent in the muscles after a hard workout or race. If you stop right after the finish line or sit on the couch after a hard bike, the lactic acid remaining in the muscles has been shown to create delayed onset...

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Triathlete Doublespeak...

lovers-sunset.gifUPDATE: Awesome racing in windy West Metro this morning. Lots of highlights of the Life Time Tri - Maple Grove to share. Words and pics on Tuesday. RESULTS


By Susan Lacke (triathlon.competitor.com)

What your triathlete says and means are two different things.

It’s taken five years and a combined 15 Ironman finishes, but I think my husband and I are finally speaking the same language.

Sure, the words coming out of our mouth are English, but—like most two-triathlete households—we both know very well that what one person says isn’t to be taken at face value. There’s a hidden meaning behind every phrase, and it’s usually some variation of “I’m full of crap.”

It’s not that anyone is lying, per se. I prefer to think of it as taking creative liberties with the truth. If Neil tells me he’s signed up for his fourth Ironman in one year, he’s basically bought a...

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