2015 Male POYs...

payne-chicago.gif2015 Minnesota Multisport Awards - Here are the nominees for MALE PERFORMANCE OF THE YEAR:


STEVE MORRIS (23, Coon Rapids) - 5th @ Ironman Wisconsin - In the 14-year history of IMOO, Steve's 9:36:07 is the fastest time by a Minnesoya male. We believe that this was Steve's IM debut.


KEVIN O'CONNOR (44, Medina) - 1st @ Sprint Duathlon Nationals - Our research suggests that, at 44, Kevin is the oldest overall National Champion in the history of tri and du championships in the US, a history that began in 1983. Other O'Connor efforts that were considered for this award were his amateur victory / Masters redord at RochesterFest Olympic (1:59:22) and his amateur win at Pigman Sprint.


MATTHEW PAYNE (38, Columbia Heights - photo L) - Amateur Course Record at Apple Duathlon (1:20:45) - This performance, which featured a bike course CR, lowered Patrick Parish's 2012 amateur record by 19 seconds....

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Race of the Year Finalists & Other Stuff...

TriNight15.gifMinnesota Multisport Awards - Here, in alpha order, are the Top 5 finalists for 2015 TRIATHLETES CHOICE RACE OF THE YEAR. The winner will be announced at Tri Night '15 on November 14 at Gear West Bike & Triathlon in Long Lake. We hope you will be there. EVENT INFO






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Balancing Triathlon & Family...

Cam2b-240x320.gifTriRock Philadelphia champions share advice on making triathlon and family relationships work.

By Jene' Shaw (triathlon.competitor.com)

The two-triathlete household
Pro Alicia Kaye is married to 2008 Olympian (and Rio 2016 hopeful) Jarrod Shoemaker. She gives this insight on what it’s like to be married to another athlete and how they help each other through the ups and downs of racing.

„“There are a lot of pros and cons to being married to another professional triathlete. One of the biggest pros is that we just get it. You get it on the days when you’re so tired, and you’re moody and you’re stressed over travel. You just look at the other person and realize, ‘Whoa, I’m making dinner tonight.’ You can kind of lean on each other a little bit.”

„“When one of us isn’t doing well but the other one is, it’s actually really nice and motivating. Because you almost care more about how the other person is doing than yourself. I’m more nervous for Jarrod to race than I am for myself to race. When I see him do well, it’s the best feeling in the world. And I think when he’s not doing well, he looks to me for motivation. So we kind of work off of each other and that’s what’s worked for us to stay happy as a husband and wife.” ...

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8 Hours of Sleep & Remembering Your Kids' Names...

log-sitters.gifBy Neil King (HeadwatersTriClub.org)

For most of us the triathlon season in northern Minnesota is behind us. We are 2 to 4 weeks into that period loosely know as the “Off Season”. Just what is this off season and what am I expected to do here? It seems like you just finished with all that focused training and now the coaches are telling you that you need to stay focused? Well not really. The first part of the off season is time for Recovery, Reacquaintance and Reflection.

Deep Recovery, is the physical, mental, and emotional relief from all the stress you have placed on yourself for the past six to eight months. Sleep in longer. Stay away from watches and gages, even tri bikes, lap pools, and running on tar. For two to six weeks place your focus on recovery and easy workouts. This is the time to cross train. Mountain bike, kayak, trail run, rollerblade, tennis, golf, just stay active and have fun....

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Protein Types...

garbanzos.gifBy Brooke Schohl (usatriathlon.org)

Whey and casein used to monopolize the protein department when it came to sports products like protein powder and bars. Now there are a whole slew of plant-based protein sources included in our sport foods! I often get the question — which one is really best? Most easily absorbed? Healthiest? Like so many areas of nutrition, the answer is highly individual.

For athletes who process dairy products well, whey and casein are good options. Plant-based proteins do not contain milk and pave the way for easier digestion for those who don’t process dairy efficiently. Many of the vegetarian proteins are also gluten free and soy free. Are these plant-based proteins as...

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