Minnesota's Newest Pro...

danielBr.gifNot long ago, Iowa pro DANIEL BRETSCHER, 33, moved to Northfield. An outgoing guy, Daniel is a tremendous ambassador for the multisport lifestlye. We met him in Dallas 2007, the year he was named USAT Athlete of the Year. He had just won Life Time Fitness National Series Championship, a title he shared with Cathy Yndestad, who earned AOY HM that season. He got his pro license in 2008 and has chalked up impressive results since them.

Here are a few of his highlights:

1st @ 2014 Ironman Wisconsin - 8:31:20 - Course Record

1st @ 2014 Pigman Sprint (he beat David Thompson and Dan Hedgecock)

1st @ 2013 Pigman Olympic

1st @ 2012 Steelhead 70.3

2nd @ 2015 Ironman Chattannoga - 8:19:05....

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How to Destroy Your Kid's Athletic Future...

sully.gifBy Matt Russ (sportfactoryproshop.com)

In over two decades of coaching athletes I have had the pleasure of seeing some of my junior athletes make it all the way to the professional level.  Along the way I have developed a somewhat global perspective on what it takes to go from this point A to the very distant point B.  I worked with some wonderful parents that contributed greatly to their child's successes.  But I unfortunately witnessed more parents, sometime unwittingly and always with the best intentions, sabotage their child's athletic future.  If they had just heeded a few simple rules, or examined a few of their motives, not only would their child been a better athlete, they would have been a better competitor, happier, and healthier child.

If you are find yourself excited at the potential of your child's athletic career, I invite you take an objective look within.  And if you catch yourself doing any of the three following things, I can all but guarantee your child will not end up where you believe they will....

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Raising Future Triathetes...

coaching-kids.gifThe USAT Developmental Coach of the Year explains how to cultivate your kids’ triathlon talent the right way.

By Jene' Shaw (triathlon.competitor.com)

If you’re an active triathlete parent with kids, you may have dreams of your young ones succeeding in the swim-bike-run game. But, warns coach Ken Axford, it’s not just about throwing your kids into the pool and buying them a bike at age four to get a head start—there’s a more strategic way to plan for the multi-sport future.

As USA Triathlon’s 2015 Developmental Coach of the Year, ...

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Smart Stuff About Body Rotation...

030116-swim.gifBy Gary Hall Sr. (ustriathlon.org)

All of the elite swimmers of the world rotate their bodies along the long axis, the axis that their body is moving down the pool, while swimming freestyle and backstroke. They don’t just rotate a little bit. They rotate a lot. The question is, why?

It is commonly believed by both coaches and swimmers that the reason for rotating the body is to reduce frontal drag; that the body has a lower drag coefficient on its side than it does on its stomach. Although I am all for reducing frontal drag, I...

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ben-ltf.gifED. Three-time Minnesota Grand Master of the Year, Ben Ewers is one of our state's true multsport pioneers. He lives in Scottsdale now.

By Ben Ewers (benewers.blogspot.com)

INDIA EIGHTYTWO.  That was the name given me by the EMT and put on my wristband prior to me being loaded on the ambulance following my bicycle accident.  At 30+mph a small rub on the rear wheel of the rider in front of me in the pace line and things changed forever.  Never, Never, Never cross wheels in a group ride.  After 40 years of competitive bike riding I made one mistake, and there is no do-over, and it really hurts both physically and mentally.

Broken Scapula, broken hip, broken ribs, collapsed lung, torn rotator cuff, huge hematoma, toe to head road rash.  All on the left side.  As a...

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