Breaking 2:10...

gaby-felt.gifIn women's amateur triathlon the number 2:10 is magic. We're talking about Olympic distance racing here. Few women ever match or break that standard, and those that do tend to get their pro license shortly therafter.

In this millennium, HEATHER LENDWAY has the fastest Minnesota amateur time at 1.5-40-10K: 2:05:06 - A USAT Nationals record, set in 2014. The only Minnesota women with faster Olympic clockings are GWEN JORGENSEN (1:59) and HEIDI KELLER MILER (2:03-04ish). However, both of those women were pros when they set their personal bests....

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Cyclists Are Human, Too.....

bike-outside.gifBy Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

It’s spring – that time of year when Minnesnowtans wake after a long dark winter spent mostly indoors. It’s also that time of year when (more fair weather) cyclists take their bikes off the indoor trainer and onto the road.

Last week on a route I’ve regularly biked the past two summers, cyclist Bryan Joas was hit by a vehicle. He’s critically injured – and, the driver didn’t stick around (WTF) to see if Joas was ok.

That could have been me.

That could have been YOU. ....

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Overuse Injuries Aren't Good....

Sports-Injury-cartoon-254x3.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams

With Summer races approaching fast, what are some tips to steer clear of overuse injuries in my preparations?

Overuse injuries are the cause of repetitive strain and stress to tendons, ligaments, muscles, and other soft tissues. When overloaded beyond mechanical fatigue, micro trauma and scar tissue formation occurs at the site of injury. Over 72% of running injuries can be avoided; however, if left unaddressed and not taken care of properly, these overuse injuries often result in compensations and muscle imbalances in body regions surrounding the injury. In order to avoid such injuries as IT-Band Syndrome, patellar-, and Achilles-tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, or shin splints and stress fractures, follow these principles: ...

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Are Antibiotics Safe for Triathletes?

Antibiotics-748x421.gifBy Pip Taylor (velonews.com and triathlon.competitor.com)

If an athlete must use antibiotics for an infection, what steps can he take to limit the damage to his healthy gut biome? Should he take priobiotics? What about prebiotics? How much of these and when?

Antibiotics are sometimes necessary. But even when necessary they can still play havoc with a healthy gut biome. In Japan, probiotics are regularly prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics in recognition of the fact that while the...

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Nate & Aly...Updated...

nathan-B-spock.gifAccording to his decorated dad, NATHAN BICH has the potential to be an outstanding triathlete, even better than his Old Man. Heck, if he's motivated, he might even get a pro license some day.

Nathan, 17 last year, demonstrated the talent necessary for a Junior of the Year nomination. Not bad for a kid who only raced in three events and didn't train.

Here were his results:

- 3rd overall / Jr.CR @ Brewhouse Sprint - 1:03:48

- 4th overall @ Lakes Country Triathlon

- 7th overall @ Heart of the Lakes Sprint - 47:10...

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