Relighting the Fire....

az_biker.pngBy Trainingpeaks.com

Time out from sport is more common than many of us might imagine. Breaks from training happen for all different reasons: injury, fatigue and burnout are perhaps the more obvious. Just as often though I've known athletes to have enforced breaks due to pressures such as work, divorce, depression or, alternatively, happy life events such as having a baby or even getting married. Over the years I've had the enormous pleasure of helping many athletes restart their sporting journey. Here are a few proven strategies for getting going and reigniting your motivation for endurance training....

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Breaking the Sugar Habit...

sugar.pngBy Matthew Kadey, MS, RD (triathlete.com)

Life is sweet, all right—so sweet that the average American now eats about 129 pounds of caloric sweeteners each year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. While a dedicated triathlete can get away with consuming a bit more sugar than a couch potato, it’s still a good idea to limit intake for overall better health and performance; a diet high in the sweet stuff is linked to everything from weight gain to diabetes to recovery-impairing inflammation. Plus, high-sugar foods may crowd out other more nutritious options that can better fuel workouts and help repair muscles. But the ubiquitousness of added sweeteners hidden in our food supply can make it a challenge to scale back. Presenting 10 tactics to make your diet a little less saccharine....

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7 For 17...


By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

And, with this post, week one of my month of writing is done. It’s getting easier every day as I let go of it being perfect and instead focus on getting it done – no easy task for someone who’s type A!  ...

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Brisket & Wrinkly Dogs...

lume-for-web.jpgBy Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com - 12/31/16)

Here we are: the last day of 2016. It’s been quite a year – one that flew by in a blink – punctuated by ups, downs and everything in between. Recapping my top 16 today as we ring in 2017… with a little inspiration from fellow bloggers and friends, Caitlin, Christine, Elizabeth, Hailey, Jen, Laurel and Lizzie!

1 – the Birkie

One of our favorite winter weekends is the Birkie ski race in Hayward, Wisconsin. Nick’s raced it the past five years, and each time is always an adventure. It’s also the one race where I get to sherpa for him – though my photos are never as good… yet (2017 goal: learn to use our dSRL camera!). He had a PR race, and I had a blast tracking him on the 54k course and cheering at the finish line downtown Hayward....

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Post-Race Gas Station Food...

Holiday-II.pngBy Jaime Wildrow R.D. (triathlete.com)

The good news is most gas stations these days are large and offer a variety of options for a good post-race meal that’ll aid your body in the recovery process. Let’s first take a look at what that means.

Extensive stress is placed on the body during a triathlon, which induces muscle damage, an inflammation response and a compromised immune system. From a nutrition standpoint, the main goals for an athlete post-race are the three R’s: replenish, rehydrate and repair.

Replenish glycogen stores with high-glycemic carbohydrates

Rehydrate with fluids and electrolytes

Repair muscles by facilitating protein synthesis with high-quality lean protein  ....

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