7 For 17...


By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

And, with this post, week one of my month of writing is done. It’s getting easier every day as I let go of it being perfect and instead focus on getting it done – no easy task for someone who’s type A!  ...


For the second week, I’m teaming up with a few rad triathlon friends and bloggers – Caitlin, Christine, Elizabeth, Hailey, Jen, Laurel and Lizzie – for this one: the top seven things each of us is looking forward to in 2017. Here are mine!  

1 – raising a happy (and well behaved) puppy

Of course Luma makes the list. We’ve wanted a dog forever, but the time wasn’t right until now. She’s been part of our little family for 10 days, and we can’t imagine life without her… well, maybe the feisty biting part. From our current puppy obedience class to dog park fun, I’m so excited for all our adventures ahead!

2 – less screen time + mindless scrolling

Reflecting back on 2016, I realized I spent far too much time staring at my iPhone, laptop and TV than I did reading a book or actually doing stuff. This year, there will be far less screen time – something we’ve already implemented. I deleted the Facebook app off my phone last week, and OMG it’s amazing to not look at it during the day. I’m practicing being more mindful about scrolling through my twitter + instagram feeds, too, which means no more screens once crawling into bed. Nick and I are also cutting the DirecTV cord because Netflix and Hulu are more than enough. The bonus: the money saved!

