Post-Race Gas Station Food...

Holiday-II.pngBy Jaime Wildrow R.D. (triathlete.com)

The good news is most gas stations these days are large and offer a variety of options for a good post-race meal that’ll aid your body in the recovery process. Let’s first take a look at what that means.

Extensive stress is placed on the body during a triathlon, which induces muscle damage, an inflammation response and a compromised immune system. From a nutrition standpoint, the main goals for an athlete post-race are the three R’s: replenish, rehydrate and repair.

Replenish glycogen stores with high-glycemic carbohydrates

Rehydrate with fluids and electrolytes

Repair muscles by facilitating protein synthesis with high-quality lean protein  ....


Immediately following the race, head back to transition and have a recovery drink while packing up your gear. Ideally this 4-to-1 ratio (carbs to protein) drink should have about 75 to 125 grams of carbohydrates and 20 to 30 grams of protein. Most races have cold water once you cross the finish line, so it’s easy to mix up a drink with that 4-to-1 ratio if you bring your favorite recovery powder to the race. (Keep in mind you may need more than one scoop of it to get enough carbs.) Grab the cold water and mix it with your powder in a sports bottle rather than mixing your drink before the race for a refreshing boost.  READ MORE

