Keeping the Love Alive....


By Meredith Atwood (triathlete.com)

What happens when the love for tri seems to be headed for divorce? ...

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Bennett and Sheena...

bennett_and_mark.pngPhoto - Bennett Isabella and another guy.

Yesterday we discussed some of the pleasant surprises that happened during the 2016 season. Hanna Grinaker and Wade Cruser, for instance, outperformed everyone's expectations, except perhaps their own, and Sean Cooley's.

Today, we'll talk about the pleasant surprises of the 2015 season.

2015 - The most pleasant surprise on the men's side was Bennett Isabella's breakout season, one that not only earned him his first-ever berth on Team Minnesota, but landed him in the Top 5. Bennett had been, as they say, "knocking on the door" since 2011, thus many assumed that his eventual placement on Team Minnesota was a foregone conclusion. Cracking the Top 5 however, required a herculean season. Isabella raced in fourteen multis, winning twice--Memphis in May Olympic and Graniteman...

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Pleasant Surprises...



The MTN Guys like surprises. We can't wait to be surprised by the new talent that will rock our tri and du scenes next season. We are anxious to find out who the Team Minnesota newcomers will be this year.

Let's look back at the 2016 rookies and Team Minnesota breakthroughs.

2016 - Hanna Grinaker was the Rookie of the Year and topped women's Team Minnesota. Only one other athlete has done that during this century (Sarah Kolpine in 2005). Many knew that she would make her tri debut in 2016. They expected her, a former collegiate runner, to be good, but few if any (other than Sean Cooley, perhaps?) could have predicted that she would rise to the top of the deepest list of amateur women that our state has ever seen.


After the 2015 season it seemed likely that there would be a spot on the 2016 Team for Wade Cruser. His competitive trajectory suggested that a 7th - 10th was possible. But Wade exceeded everyone's expectations, except his own. He rose to the #3 spot in 2015....

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Returning to Training...

Post-Workout_Recovery.pngBy Chris Foster (triathlete.com)

Getting back to training can be the best—or the worst. If you’ve been putting it off, you’re probably already closer to your race date than you’d like, and there’s some nervous urgency around the first week. Will I be ready in time? How will I feel?

If you’ve been taking forced time off—for an injury or an end of season break—there’s probably excitement in the air. It’s like the first week of school: seeing old friends (goggles, bike, shoes) and finding out what everyone (your body) has been up to (Surprising speed, yay! Extreme soreness, boo!).

While the first week can loom large mentally, the way you approach this transition into the season can set you up for success or failure....

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Why Tri?


By Erin Stout (runnersworld.com)

Most runners will run until they can't run anymore. Mention cross-training and they scowl. Suggest going for a long afternoon bike ride and they'd rather do the same distance on foot at the crack of dawn. Swimming? Not unless there's a post-race party and some frosty adult beverages involved.

But runners also have an often unspoken curiosity about triathlon, whether they admit it or not. Sure, they'll snark, "That's three sports, not one," or "Why excel at one sport when you can be mediocre at three?" But the day will come—either because of age or injury—that most of us will need to seek out an alternative to the constant stress and pounding of running. Learning how to train for triathlon is not a bad way to stay fit, no matter what your reason. It may even improve your running performance....

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