Taught Not to Wait...


By Erin Lahti

I decided to take a trip by myself to Puerto Rico. I chose PR for a few reasons. It’s a tropical island, but still in America. I didn't have to worry about changing currency or different driving rules, and most of the people I talked to could speak at least a little bit of English. Also, after Hurricane Maria devastated the island in 2017, they need our tourist money. In addition to this be a soul searching trip, I wanted to get some ocean water swimming experience. An ocean water Triathlon is on my bucket list.

I flew into San Juan, rented a car, and drove 85 miles, across the entire island to a town called Aquadilla. It’s much less touristy on this side of the island. I rented an adorable little Airbnb right on the beach. My first morning, I drove a few miles to Crash Boat Beach. I was there by 7am and there were only a few people on the entire beach. I was at the end of the little pier, talking myself into doing my first ocean water swim, when a man walked up. He was wearing an Ironman 70.3 Puerto Rico hat. As he approached, I immediately said hello and confirmed that he was a triathlete. He introduced himself as Edwin and he had just done his first 70.3 last week in San Juan. I asked him if he planned on swimming here today. He was there to meet others for a swim. He invited me to join them. Are you kidding me? Is this actually happening? What are the odds that with in a couple hours of my first day of my trip, I would accentually meet other triathletes to swim with? ...

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Bike Swap!

Bike_Swap_Digital.jpgGear West Road & Triathlon Bike Swap
Saturday, April 27
10am – 3pm

Find a great bargain

The Gear West Road & Triathlon Bike Swap offers a great way to buy used bicycles and gear at an affordable price. Our Bike Swap provides a consignment-style, one-day sale of road and triathlon bikes and related accessories. Come peruse the inventory and find yourself a new set of wheels to use for your next triathlon, for recreation, transportation, health, or just plain fun!

We will also have our older bike inventory, rental wetsuits and vendor samples marked down with exceptional price reductions...

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Betting on the Buentings...


By Stephen Meyers (usatriathlon.org)


Training through the long, cold, snowy winter of Minnesota, 16 year old Bella Buenting is excited to travel south and finally ride her bike outside at the USA Triathlon Duathlon National Championships. 

Thanks to a bet with her dad, Mike, she has a lot riding on the race, too. 

Win her age group and dad takes Bella and a best friend on a trip to California. 

“We’re always making bets like that, me and my dad,” Bella said. “I love the ocean and hanging out at the beach and walking around L.A., so that’s good motivation for sure.”  ...

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Jan's Ironman Blog #1...


By Jan Guenther

March 31st

Time to start my personal journey on training for yet another IRONMAN at almost 60 years of age. My goal is to blog it, for several reasons:

To justify my spending time and money on my 7th IM (5 in Wisconsin and 2 in Hawaii) because it will cut into my work and brain energy to think about Gear West as I start jumping on the training in July and August;

I will keep more abreast of what is happening in the triathlon world (helpful for business). I have raced tri’s for a very long time, from 1983 till now. Lots of change has occurred. As I have told many who look at my ancient 1985 Hawaii IM pictures, power bars were not invented and neither were aero bars, clipless pedals, comfy bike seats,...

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You Know You're a Triathlete......


ED. We have posted one or two versions of "You Know You're a Triathlete When..." in the past. Here's another one. It's fun stuff. Enjoy.


1. You failed high school chemistry but you could teach a course on lactic acid.
2. While at the gym, you change clothes as fast as possible because it feels like a transition.
3. You wear your heart rate monitor during sex.
4.  You bring bottled water to a party so that you’re properly hydrated for the next morning’s long run.  Everyone else at the party also brought their own bottled water because you don’t have a social life outside of triathlon.  Everyone showed up by 7pm and left by 10pm.
5. You know you’re a triathlete when you wear your bathing suit under your work clothes to make a fast transition from work to swim on your lunch hour....

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