You Know You're a Triathlete......


ED. We have posted one or two versions of "You Know You're a Triathlete When..." in the past. Here's another one. It's fun stuff. Enjoy.


1. You failed high school chemistry but you could teach a course on lactic acid.
2. While at the gym, you change clothes as fast as possible because it feels like a transition.
3. You wear your heart rate monitor during sex.
4.  You bring bottled water to a party so that you’re properly hydrated for the next morning’s long run.  Everyone else at the party also brought their own bottled water because you don’t have a social life outside of triathlon.  Everyone showed up by 7pm and left by 10pm.
5. You know you’re a triathlete when you wear your bathing suit under your work clothes to make a fast transition from work to swim on your lunch hour....

6. Your girlfriends are insanely jealous of your tan legs. Until they realize that the tan stops at your bike shorts.
7.  One of the criteria of a vacation is that the hotel has a spin bike, pool and there’s running trails nearby.
8.  Baggage for any out of town trip includes running gear and goggles.
9. 90 degrees is too hot to mow the lawn but not to go on a century ride.
10. You know you’re a triathlete when you consider Clif Bars one of the four food groups
11. You wake up at 5 am but don’t get to work until 9.
12. You think there are only two seasons during the year, triathlon & marathon.
13. The inside of your car looks like a going out of business sale at Sports Authority.
14.  You consider work, recovery time between training sessions. READ MORE
