Important Stuff About Fatigue...


By Benjamin A. Hassan usatriathlon.org)


“I train regularly for triathlon. Why am I so tired?”
Fatigue occurs in triathletes. Endurance athletes are often driven in many aspects of their lives, including their athletic training and competition. They expect to have more energy than others, not less. Fatigue is not welcome.
Every now and then, the energy is simply not there. “Fatigue” can appear in triathletes as a loss of vigor for training, a change in our heart rate with training and racing, the need for more sleep, loss of motivation for our sport or for other things in life, sleepiness, or simply feeling drained or down all day.
My medical approach for evaluation of fatigue in triathletes is similar to the medical approach to fatigue for I perform for any adult or child. I start by taking a good history that includes focused questions and listening to the specific responses. Often the responses provide clues to the etiology of the fatigue. Is there a sleep issue? Is the athlete feeling ill? Is there significant new home or work stress? Is there a new baby? Are there additional symptoms that indicate a medical illness? Is there blood loss or other suggestions of anemia? Physical examination and additional testing, such as blood work when indicated, provides further data to help determine the cause of fatigue....

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Top 10 Newbie Fears...


By David Mills (newtotri.com)


1.    What if I can barely even swim 2 laps?
     The swim is simply the bouncer that stands at the triathlon doors to keep the riff-raff out.  If it weren’t for the swim, there would probably be about a million more triathletes than there are today.  And that’s the whole point of a bouncer right?  To keep the party exclusive; to keep it respectable.  The truth is, swimming is coordination.  It’s like patting your head and rubbing your belly at the same time.  Anyone in the world can do it.  You just have to practice it a little.  With even a kindling of desire to become a triathlete, anyone can acquire the necessary coordination to kick, stroke, and breathe in a coordinated rhythm with a few trips to the local YMCA.  Don’t let the swim intimidate you.  But don’t expect it to come easily your first time in the pool.  Just stick with it and don’t get discouraged; before you know it, it will “click” and you’ll be swimming laps no problem....

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In Defense of Fast Food...


By Kelly O'Mara (aka The Salty Triathlete - triathlete.com)


"You're a triathlete. You must be a health nut. What do you eat? You probably eat super healthy. You, like never go to Mcdonald's right?"

Sorry to disappoint every person who’s ever asked me this, but I definitely go to McDonald’s—and not just because the Oreo McFlurry (with extra Oreos) is amazing. It’s because McDonald’s doesn’t have to be shorthand for “unhealthy.” In fact, fast food, prepared foods, or frozen meals don’t have to be terrible for you; sometimes they might be the best option you’ve got. And not everything ...

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Ken's Journey...


By Ken Barrick (usatriathlon.org)


It was March, 2014. I was sitting in an airport in Honduras on my way back from a scuba diving vacation, when a friend of mine handed me a triathlon magazine that was sitting on the chair next to him. He knew I was a baseball player and often made fun of me for how I always bragged about being an athlete at my advanced age of 46. “These are athletes,” he said as he handed me the magazine.

“Triathlon,” I scoffed, “that’s like taking candy from a baby. I can do that easily.” 

“Sure,” he quipped back, “I dare you.”

With that dare, my adventure began. Upon arriving back in my hometown of Baltimore, MD, I began my research. Where was the closest triathlon event to my home and when? I discovered the Baltimore Triathlon was being held in September. I had six months to train. ...

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Douchebaggery & Farts in the Wind....


Ed. James Lange is a HOOT!


By James Lange (trstriathlon.com)


In October my esteemed colleague and veritable “real journalist” Kelly O’Mara published a thought provoking piece titled “Make the Best Amateur Triathletes Turn Pro.” As title implies, Kelly argues that the best amateurs should be forced to “go Pro” (this echoes a similar theory I have for the adult film industry, but I’ll save that for another time and place).

A logical extension of Kelly’s argument is that those at the tail end of the pro field should be forced to move back into the age group ranks, to “go unpro”. This concerns me greatly, because transitioning from a professional triathlete to an unprofessional triathlete is a complicated process. When an amateur turns pro there are a plethora of resources and people they can turn to, but when a pro turns amateur they are left to drift aimlessly, like a fart in the wind....

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