The Note, the Thought, the Time...




By Ruth Brennan Morrey (from Facebook)


99.9% of my runs are done alone bc of several reasons...but mostly because I love my alone time in nature to breathe, find my own rhythm, and let my mind wander to really fun places.

Over break, an old friend was in town and I asked her to go for a run because our visiting time would be short. We had a wonderful chat and put another building block into our friendship.

Today, I received a heartfelt card from her detailing her enjoyment of the run and noting every conversation we had and thanking me for my part in it. Geez...A hand written ‘thank you’ note after a friendship building run....

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MTN's 2019 Wish List...Part I


Photo - Gaby Bunten working out with Leanda Cave.


By Warren Peece

Over the next several weeks we will be posting items from our 2019 “Wish List.” Here is our first of these stories.


We were disappointed when Gaby was not named AOY Honorable Mention in 2017. In our opinion, she was a slam dunk selection, but USAT opted to include Masters and Grand Masters among their overall AOY HMs, something they hadn't done since 2000. As a result, several deserving open class athletes—Gaby, Clay Emge, Jacqueline Godbe--were overlooked.

We certainly hope that USAT returns to their original format to determine this year's AOYs and HMs.

It probably seems odd that we want Bunten to win the national AOY award despite her being ranked a close 2nd for Minnesota's Triathlete of the Year. What needs to be understood is that our (MMA Committee) criteria differs from the Federation's. We concluded that Hannah Grinaker's total resume suggested that she was arguably the most talented amateur female triathlete in the US last year. She was brilliant in EVERY performance, turning in world class efforts at sprint, Olympic and half IM distances, plus posting what may have been the premier IM debut by an amateur American woman last year....

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ED. Minnesota's Indoor tri season kicks off at the YWCA of Minneapolis on January 13. Are you registered yet? LINKindoorswim.png


By Susan Lacke (triathlete.com)


The Life Time Indoor Tri is poised to drive new athletes to triathlon in 2019.

In the past, most new triathletes experienced race day as a trial by fire: a chaotic (and nerve-wracking) open-water swim, a test of bike-handling skills as more experienced triathletes whizzed past, and an overeager surge out of T2 on the run. Though the experience can be thrilling, it can also be terrifying—and keep many potential triathletes away from the sport.

But in 2019 and beyond, that is poised to change. According to Life Time Fitness, the majority of newbies in the sport will test the waters at an indoor triathlon....

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Look Back Before You Look Forward...


By Steven Moody (triathlete.com)


You have to look back before you look forward if you want to be a better triathlete in 2019.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

Your triathlon season is over. The evenings are getting darker and as we move into the holiday season, thoughts turn to new goals and plans for next year. Before you get on to the fun of goal setting, it is worth taking some time to reflect on the past race season to see what it can tell you about how to improve next season. This is something a lot of athletes neglect and, as a result, end up repeating the same mistakes or not pushing onto the next level....

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"Forget Resolutions"....



By Meredith Atwood (triathlete.com)


We tend to over-complicate New Year's resolutions and instead need to "show up, open up, and see what happens from there."

What is it about resolutions that makes me feel like I messed up my entire prior year—and perhaps my entire life?

Everyone and their brother (myself included) preaches about not making resolutions for a long time. “It’s a lifestyle!” Fill in the blank whatever “it” is. Make the last 90 days of the year great! Forget resolutions.

And I agree, wholeheartedly. ....

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