Adventures in Over-Training...

exhaustedBy Bonnie Burnout

Rosemarie runs a marathon every week. True story. She flies all over the U.S. in search of a marathon to participate in. It is her way of getting the word out that she overcame obesity, in hopes of inspiring others who also suffer, to do the same. This past weekend she ran two marathons in Long Beach, California. The only marathon distance Rick does every weekend is on a bike, and that is only if he has to.

Reading about Rosemarie got Rick thinking. As of late, he has been drooling over races coming up this season and talking with friends about which races they are doing. Just about every time he hears someone talk about a race, he wants to sign up. At that rate, he will be lapping Rosemarie and can forget about training because he will be racing every day of the season. Somehow Rick needs to step back, take a deep breath, and strategically select his races if he wants...

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Cool Stuff From Gear West Bike...


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(Photos - The Bar Raisers, Roger Bannister and Chrissie. Below - Geoffrey Mutai and Usain Bolt.)

Model Your Athletic Inspiration for Motivation

By Cheryl D. Hart (for usatriathlon.org)

When you read about the top-ranked triathletes and duathletes, do you aspire to be as fast and strong? Do you imagine yourself flying through the miles as smoothly and effortlessly as these super-stars?

If so, you are tapping into one of the primary sources of self-efficacy (the belief that you are capable of producing a successful performance). We gain confidence through vicarious experience or

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Craft Beer, Clive's Novels & a Haunch of Venison...

rossGoing Off Course - Ever heard the "Party Pooper" song? It's a parody of Frank Sinatra's "Pretty Baby," and it goes a little something like this:

Ever party needs a pooper

That's why we invited you,

Party pooper

Party pooper

It's tragic that many triathletes are party poopers. Sure, they'll party a little bit, like until 8:30. Then they leave 'cuz they need to get to bed early so they can get up early to train.

And there are those triathletes who don't party at all, just because it isn't a healthy thing to do. Talk about anal!...

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Stuff About Faith...

runBy Erika Sperl-Imhoff (from http://www.thetriathlonrx.com)

[Edit: I'm "double dipping" my posts today... if you follow me weekly on the Groucho Sports you can take today off (or go check out our other awesome writers!) because this note on faith is up there as well. It's a benchmark in my recovery, and I wanted it to be recorded for me to look back on. Will certainly update how everything goes later!]

My PT shared something with me yesterday afternoon. He said that given my latest x-rays, my current state in rehabilitation, and my imminent psychosis from watching runners out my front door making their way around Calhoun all day, I could try a

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