Stuff About Tip Top Fitness....

kidsBy Rod Raymond

I have been in the business of helping others achieve optimal fitness for over 20 years.

I have learned that those who have been able to maintain tip top fitness year over year have the following traits:

1. Like kids, they are playful.

I remember running intervals when playing tag with my brother. I remember biking the hills hard up Swan Lake road when my cousins were trying to ditch me. I remember doing hypoxic breathing techniques with my friend Jim when we were looking for hockey pucks on the bottom of the local hotel pool we always snuck into. I remember working my flexibility trying to get into my buddy Bobby's snow fort. I remember running 1/2 mile repeats after beaning cars with eggs off of Central Entrance. Man, those were fun times! And, all of us kids were all super ripped. Note of confession: Sadly, Stevey got caught by a faster UMD football player who wasn't happy we egg'd his car.

2. They exercise from the heart.

The same cells that are found in the brain also make up portions of the heart. In other words, your heart can think. Many athletes get caught up in the marketing side of endurance sports. They buy all the training gadgets, heart rate monitors, watt meters for their bikes, and follow...

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Becky's Belly, Rod's Grammar, Denver's Bliss...

preggers* THE BELLY - Becky Youngberg won nine triathlons last year; more than any other Minnesota girl.becky

How will she do this season? We predict that she won't win a single race.

Why, you ask?

'Cuz her husband Jack is a major stud muffin who for the third time since 2008 has managed to impregnate his wife.

That's right! As they say in Italy, Becky's "got the belly."

We'll miss you at the races, Becky. We look forward to writing about your racing exploits in 2013. FYI, that is not Becky's preggers belly in the photo. We found it on Google and thought it was cool...(More stuff on Page 2)

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Inappropriate Reading Material...

principal's officeMacca

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Stuff About Suffering...

guy"You don't play triathlon. You play soccer; it's fun. You play baseball. Triathlon is work that can leave you crumpled in a heap, puking on the roadside. It's the physical brutality of climbing Mount Everest without the great view from the top of the world. What kind of person keeps on coming back for more of that?

"That's why your state of mind is so important. You have to be honest with yourself about suffering: it's going to come, and it's part of the wholeness of being a triathlete, and it's totally real. It's you versus you. If you can be at peace in your mind and accept the pain, then you can see it as a part of the whole amazing experience. But if you're dreading the suffering because you approach it from a negative frame of mind, when it finally comes you're going to check out."

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A totally Cool Event....


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