Pencil Tappers & Mice in the Silverware Drawer...

bokkeGoing Off Course - Northfield swim coach / triathlete, Brooke Larsen, is a really, really nice person. She is also very smart and pretty and speaks pretty good Spanish, which serves her well at Mexican restaurants like Taco Bell and El Tequila. Most of the time she appears calm and unflappable, but there are a few things that really make her crazy.

Like what?

Pencil tappers, that's what! Don't even think about tapping your pencil if Brooke is within earshot. It sends her into a tizzy!

Another thing that drives Ms. Larsen nuts is mice in the house. We're totally with her on this one. Few things are more enervating than finding mouse turds in your silverware drawer, right?

Brooke is still kinda bummed about "24" being cancelled but she's hanging in there. A typical evening at her house these days consists of reading the...

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Pool Jams....

mp3By Erika Sperl-Imhoff (from http://www.thetriathlonrx.com)

For Christmas in 2009 I was given the NuDolphin mp3 player to help encourage more frequent swimming. Two years later it finally bit the bullet. Now at first thought, two years might not seem like a long time for the life of an mp3 player. But lets face it: electronics + submersion in water = just not meant to be. I was happy with the two years I got out of the NuDolphin. One thing I wasn

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Food and Wiffle Ball...

danGoing Off Course - Waconia teacher / baseball guy / triathlete who doesn't dive very well, Dan Chies (pronounced "Chess;" it's a Castilian deal), has big calves and small ears, which he claims are features that chicks really dig. Also, he used to be about 50 pounds heavier than he is now, a condition he remedied by becoming an addicted triathlete.

Dan, 29, is in a relationship right now, which means that he's not married yet and thus still lives kinda like a college student. If he does get hitched it is likely that his spousal unit will insist that he put his laundry away in a timely fashion and, for godsakes, stop drinking out of the carton.

Dan's taste in music is rather eclectic, featuring hard metal and belligerent hip hop, though it does not include country. When researching his musical preferences we landed on "10 Years'" website. Heretofore unfamiliar with their stuff, we were soon blown away by "Beautiful," a brilliant slam on societally encouraged vanity, and the awesome "Wasteland," which deals with ....

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Backwards Ticking Clock...

hold breathBy Bonnie Breatholder

Recently the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race lottery draw occurred. Many hopefuls were anxiously waiting at their computers, drumming nervous fingers on their desks, furiously instant messaging friends who had also put their names in the hat. Some of them even had queasy stomachs, unable to tear themselves away from the looming announcement even so much as use the bathroom; their eyes were burning holes into their computer screens. That

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Cool Random Stuff...

half fast* Weekend Recommendations - Check out the 2nd annual Half Fast Half Marathon (plus half of a half & 5K) on Saturday in Vadnais Heights on Saturday. INFO & REG. Produced by Tri Fitness, the zany folks who bring you the Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon, My First Tri and One Last Tri, you gotta love a race with a semi-naughty name.

On Sunday, the 2nd of four Optumhealth Performance Indoor Tris will be staged at their facility in Eden Prairie. INFO & REG. We wholeheartedly recommend this event, which will be covered by MTN....

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