Assorted Cool Stuff...

trophy* TROPHY-ZILLA - Tri For a Cause's founder/director Henry Praska, who is a totally cool guy, sent us a great photo (L) of his event's awesome new, huge Team Championship trophy. It was donated to TFC by studette cyclist / two-time cancer survivor Lee Penn. That's her in the photo after she won that Bad Boy trophy. To learn more about TFC, it's Team Championship competition and the inspiring story of how this great trophy found it's way to this event, link HERE.


It's ALIVE! The North Mankato Lives On!

Contrary to popular urban legend, the North Mankato triathlon is alive and kicking! After a tumultuous few months after the former race director stepped down last summer, Mark Bongers and Final Stretch, Inc have picked up the sprint tri and will be presenting the perennial favorite in its 15th year on June 30th - July 1st! Final Stretch is well known around ...

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The Tao of Triathlon...

yyBy Bonnie Yinyang

Triathlon has a split personality. I think that

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Arithmetic, Race Resurrection & a Generous Offer...

cindy(Great YndeCam Photo - Cindy Blackstock en route to a course record victory at Buffalo Sprint.)

* DOING THE MATH - On Saturday Dylan Gillespie, 19, of Forest Lake recorded his first triathlon victory at New Bri. The women's winner was Hilary Patzer, whose victory was the 3rd of her career and 2nd in a week's time. She also won the Seahorse Challenge Olympic Triathlon in Michigan on May 27.

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Important Stuff About Traveling to Races...

planeWhen You Travel To a Race

By Monique Ryan (from usatriathlon.org)

It is possible that one of your important races this season will require that you cross one or more time zones. Flying to a race can result in jet lag, disrupting sleep as well as eating habits and your digestive system. Symptoms of jet lag include periods of tiredness during the day, disturbed concentration, reduced energy, and of course irregular sleep at night.

When traveling to a new time zone to race, try to adjust your eating and sleeping schedule to your destination ahead of time. This may help to...

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Britney, Bachelorettes & Biting Chihuahuas...

suzieWe Q'ed and A'ed with Suzie Fox after her stunning victory at the Oakdale Duathlon last weekend. Here are her totally cool and eloquent answers to our ineloquent questions.

MTN - You rocked socks at Oakdale, Suz! The win was the 6th of your young multisport career and it not only shattered a course record, your pace suggested that you would have crushed Jenny Wilcox's mark that was set on a slightly longer course in 2010.

Do you consider your effort at Oakdale to be a "breakout?" Was it your best performance yet?

SUZIE - It was exciting to be back at Oakdale because I raced there my rookie year in '09 so I wanted to see how much I have improved. I cut 16:55 off from my last time racing there, even though the course was slightly longer in '09 it is amazing what equipment upgrades from Gear West Bike, an OHP coach, and 3 years of hard work and dedication can do! It was for sure a "breakout" and my best performance at Oakdale at least....

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