Showering in your Car...

shower-care.gifED. Toyota is not an MTN advertiser but we were so capativated by the totally cool, tri-anal Life Time Fitness RAV4 that we had to share this USA Today story, which includes an awesome video.

By Chris Woodyard (usatoday.com)

You'd think the biggest challenge for triathletes is to keep from drowning during the swim, crashing during the ride or hitting the wall during the run. Nope, says Toyota. It's contending with the filth afterwards.

Triathletes are a dripping, sweaty, smelly mess after a vigorous competition or practice, so Toyota has come up with a novel prototype of a vehicle suited to them. It comes with a built-in, sit-down shower and a mini washing machine and dryer....

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Gotta Want It...

change-flat.gifBy Clarkendurance (trifuel.com - 8/2011)

Fact: you will not become efficient at swimming, biking or running over night. Sorry to burst your bubble. This is NOT an easy sport.

- Check your ego at the door because chances are someone fifty pounds heavier than you will lap you in the pool. Not to mention she will be ten or fifteen years older than you.

- You will be passed on the bike many times and you will never be the fastest runner in your town.

- You will have early morning workouts. Really early.
- You will plan your weekends around your swim, bike and run.
- You are up while others are sleeping.....

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Fasting & Fastness...

juices2a-671x480.gifBy Adam Kelinson (triathlon.competitor.com)

Find out how incorporating a centuries-old nutrition tradition could help you come out of the off-season on a stronger note.

Athletes are always trying to get an edge on the competition. Most of the time the points of entry are through gear and nutritional technology, and with those it’s always about the input. But what if gaining a competitive edge came in the form of not doing something? And what if that “not doing” related to your food intake? For most athletes the idea of not eating conjures up thoughts that range from ridiculous to absurd. But, using a centuries-old tradition for maintaining health could soon become part of your next training plan. ....

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It's Time to Play...

SampleSeason-571x421.gifBreak out the calendar and get ready for an exciting 2014 season.

By Scott Fliegelman (triathlon.competitor.com)

There is a time of year for training and a time for playing. Ideally, you’ll soon be wrapping up an adventurous and rejuvenating play season during which you shunned written training schedules, and your workouts were deemed successful based on sheer fun versus time spent at lactate threshold.

Training season is almost here, soon to be followed by racing, so now is a great time to get out your calendar and make a proactive plan for several rewarding months of triathlon fun....

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Stuff About Being Hurt...

tibial-stress-fracture.gifBy Kyle Serreyn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Dec. 6, 2013)

Being hurt sucks.

And I’m hurt.

I’m not that hurt. But I’m hurt. I stepped out of bed about two and a half weeks ago and immediately experienced sharp pain posterior to the shin bone and about an inch above the ankle joint. Naturally, I ran anyway.

And it hurt.

So I ran the next day – that hurt too. Hardcore massage that night bought me two days of relatively limited pain....

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