Stuff About Being Hurt...

tibial-stress-fracture.gifBy Kyle Serreyn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Dec. 6, 2013)

Being hurt sucks.

And I’m hurt.

I’m not that hurt. But I’m hurt. I stepped out of bed about two and a half weeks ago and immediately experienced sharp pain posterior to the shin bone and about an inch above the ankle joint. Naturally, I ran anyway.

And it hurt.

So I ran the next day – that hurt too. Hardcore massage that night bought me two days of relatively limited pain....

And on the third day, it hurt.

A lot.

An off day and two more attempts at running yielded even more pain. An entire week off from running, with liberal massage and icing, yielded….discomfort. It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t not hurt either. So that led to an always exciting medical visit, during which the physician at TRIA told me I probably had a tibial stress fracture. So that’s fun. The treatment, so to speak, is to not run for the next month or so and go from there (We decided to skip the MRI, because the treatment would have been “rest” regardless of the injury).

I’ve had one other stress fracture, occurring just before I began my freshman year at Creighton. Based on that experience, there are enough similarities to make me think I do, in fact, have a stress fracture. There are also enough differences to make me think I that I do not. Ultimately, it matters not. I’m temporally on the shelf, and will be spending a lot of time in the pool this month. READ MORE
