Gotta Want It...

change-flat.gifBy Clarkendurance (trifuel.com - 8/2011)

Fact: you will not become efficient at swimming, biking or running over night. Sorry to burst your bubble. This is NOT an easy sport.

- Check your ego at the door because chances are someone fifty pounds heavier than you will lap you in the pool. Not to mention she will be ten or fifteen years older than you.

- You will be passed on the bike many times and you will never be the fastest runner in your town.

- You will have early morning workouts. Really early.
- You will plan your weekends around your swim, bike and run.
- You are up while others are sleeping.....

tiredtriathlete.gif- You are training while others are sitting.
- You will discover others who also follow this blood, sweat and tears cult.
- You will eventually get a flat tire... and have to change it all by yourself.
- No matter what you hear, triathlon is NOT an inexpensive sport.
- Warning, it is extremely addictive, hence the impulse spending on wetsuits, bikes, running shoes, aero bars, aero helmets, speed suits, power meters, GPS heart-rate monitors and many other ‘gotta have items.’
- You will hate swimming more times than you like it for the first year.
- You will suffer through road trips with whiny fellow triathletes.
- You will suffer set backs.
- You may experience an injury.
- You will develop a love/hate relationship with a foam roller and ice baths. READ MORE
