A Toast to Resolutions...

rocks_on_balance_0.gifBy Woody Woodward (ironguides.net / xtri.com)

The New Year can bring out the best in athletes such as new focus and better habits—but it can also lead to a very quick breakdown and loss of motivation. Athletes love to make New Year's resolutions. We are always thinking about every possible way to get more from our bodies so we can perform better....

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Holiday Food Trap...

fat-guy.gifBy Emily Milne (trifuel.com)

Research tells us that most people gain weight during the holiday season. There has been much debate over just how much weight people gain during the holiday season. Most experts will tell you that the average American tends to gain one to ten pounds from Thanksgiving to New Years Day. Triathletes, however, are not the average American. Let me give you something to think about. To burn off one pound of unwanted body fat it takes running for three and half hours at a seven minute mile clip or cycling for five hours at a vigorous pace! Extra pounds can add up fast during the holiday season, especially if you’re not paying attention to what and how much you are eating and drinking. Two of my clients recently reported a five and six pound weight gain, respectively, and we haven’t hit the heart of the holiday party brigade! If you’re serious about improving your triathlon performance in the upcoming year then you should be well into your off-season Performance Development Program...

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Open-Water Sighting Secrets...

Swimmer.gifBy Sara McLarty (triathlon.competitor.com - 12/10/2013)

Triathletes spend hours in the pool practicing perfect stroke technique, but on race day, following buoys and staying on course is equally important. Sighting is a skill that needs to be practiced and perfected before race day. Follow these tips for your next open-water swim.

1. Lift your head only as high as necessary. In calm bodies of water, like a lake or river, lift just your eyes out of the water....

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What's Next?

transition-guy.gifPicking Your Next Event

By Marty Gaal (usatriathlon.org)

You've finished your big race for the season. You rested, tapered and then went all out. A few days later, you start asking yourself, "What's next?"

If you're like most endurance athletes, it is difficult to stay well-motivated without a training/racing goal on the horizon. You may be able to muddle through a handful of months by mixing up your training and keeping .....

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Important Stuff About Your Butt...

glute-girl.gifEnsure that your running stride originates from the body’s main engine.

By Jene' Shaw (triathlon.competitor.com)

The health risks associated with sitting at a desk all day have made numerous headlines in the past year. And outside of the serious health risks, a sedentary lifestyle from 9 to 5 can also have an impact on the quality of your afternoon run workouts.

“Because we sit on our butt all day, it sometimes forgets what it’s supposed to do when we go to run,” says exercise physiologist Krista Austin, Ph.D. If you go directly from your desk to the roads, your glutes may have trouble engaging. Sitting for hours also puts the hip flexors in a shortened position, which limits your ability to extend the hip and causes you to decrease your stride length, explains physical therapist Bryan Hill of San Diego’s Rehab United....

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