Holiday Food Trap...

fat-guy.gifBy Emily Milne (trifuel.com)

Research tells us that most people gain weight during the holiday season. There has been much debate over just how much weight people gain during the holiday season. Most experts will tell you that the average American tends to gain one to ten pounds from Thanksgiving to New Years Day. Triathletes, however, are not the average American. Let me give you something to think about. To burn off one pound of unwanted body fat it takes running for three and half hours at a seven minute mile clip or cycling for five hours at a vigorous pace! Extra pounds can add up fast during the holiday season, especially if you’re not paying attention to what and how much you are eating and drinking. Two of my clients recently reported a five and six pound weight gain, respectively, and we haven’t hit the heart of the holiday party brigade! If you’re serious about improving your triathlon performance in the upcoming year then you should be well into your off-season Performance Development Program...

(PDP). If you have not started a PDP yet, you should be even more vigilant about not falling into what I call the "Holiday Food Trap". I recommend adopting a simple plan to avoid having to spend extra time running, biking and swimming just to lose unwanted body fat because you fell victim to the Holiday Food Trap. A little planning in advance will allow you to enjoy the holidays and will not delay or set back your training schedule.

Step 1: Identify Your Potential Problem Areas...READ MORE
