Should Triathletes Get Liquored-Up?

beer-girls.gif(Great photo by Delly Carr)

By Pip Taylor (triathlon.competitor.com - Aug. 2012)

Research shows that in moderation, alcohol, particularly red wine, does carry some health benefits (in wine, it’s heart-healthy antioxidants). Formal recommendations for consumption are one drink per day for women and two for men, but it’s important to remember that everyone metabolises and tolerates alcohol differently. Some other common alcohol-related queries I hear from triathletes:  ...

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These Kids Are Golden....

kayla.gifBy Coach Kris

The 2014 Optum Minnesota Junior Elite Team (MJET) would like to announce and congratulate the athletes of this year’s Gold Team.  After a selective tryout process, jane.gifthe following four boys and four girls were selected;

·      Trisha Bachmeier (photo below L wearing Penn kit)

·      Jane Koch (photo R)

·      Kayla Kjellman (photo L)

·      Kristina Swenson (photo below R - wearing glasses)

·      Phil English (photo below R - bike shorts)

·      Daniel Felt

·      Andy Hardt (photo below R with a girl)

·      Jake Hiniker ...

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Goal Levels...


By Mark Allen (xtri.com)

There is one thing I did every season before I even logged one second of training. I set my goals for the year. That started by first figuring out which were going to be my top key races and where they were in the race calendar. If I could I filled in the secondary events I would go to, but these were not the ones that would drive the overriding...

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Martyrs, Chipmunks & Flip-Flops...

crisp-crest.gifGoing "Off Course" - Carlton triathlete Jason Crisp was born and raised in a place that had only one tree. The place, which does not appear on maps, is a township, not a town, and is named, appropriately, "Lone Tree." The region has a scattered population of 25-ish folks, most of whom complain about the lack of shade.

In the pursuit of shade, and an education, Jason attended South Dakota State University in a great little city called Brookings. The town is not exactly carved from a forest, but lots of trees have been planted on its picturesque college campus, which delighted the shade-starved Jason Crisp, who heretofore had never seen sap.

Before moving to the relatively woodsy community of Carlton, Minnesota, which is near the heavily forested Jay Cooke State Park, Jason, according to his questionnaire, married Sheila Crisp. No, he did not marry a close relative, because that would be wrong, and Jason isn't one who does wrong stuff. We suspect that Sheila had a different last name before he married her. The fact that their many above-average-in-every-way children--Kylee, Katie, Tyler and Jared--do not possess any hideous genetic disfigurations, suggests that the partners were sufficiently unrelated before they got hitched....

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Kissing Boulders...

ben-face.gifBy Ben Ewers (benewers.blogspot.com)

I entered an Xterra trail race in the White Tank Mountains just west of Phoenix this last Sunday because I normally jog in the desert by myself and I thought this would be a more social way to get my exercise.  Well, it turned out that this 20K race was on a very "technical", narrow, rocky trail more suitable for billy goats with almost 2,000 ft of elevation change.  I was very careful and walked much of the steeper inclines.  On a steep descent about 4 miles from the finish I stumbled and fell so quickly I still can't recreate the accident in my mind.  I was in a line of joggers all carefully picking our way down the mountain and suddenly I was "kissing" a large boulder with my jaw and mouth.  I partially broke my fall with my right hand but not before the damage was done.  The runners around me stopped to help but practically there were only two ways out of the mountain:  walk/jog or helicopter.  While I was bleeding profusely, I had not lost conscious nor.....

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