It's Official!



By Heather Lendway (HeatherLendway.com)

I don’t think it was any secret that I was planning to race professionally in the coming year, but it is now official!...

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59 bucks includes free coaching

Capitol City Tri June 14Capitol City Tri has teamed up with elite coaches to help you get ready for Minnesota's coolest new Sprint Race. Good through December 31 or until the last 5 slots are filled, the multi-faceted coaching and training program is included with your entry fee at the lowest, "early bird" rate of just $59....

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A Bunch of Stuff...Updated...

finisher-glass.gifOH POOP! - The MTN Guys are totally bummed because there will not be a CHASKA TRI in 2015. According to race director Michael Beckmann, who is a truly cool guy who sweats profusely in hot weather and is willing to have his head shaved for a worthy cause (He is a HOOT!):  "Construction at the venue that will not be completed in time. Planning on returning for 2016 and the venue will be nicer."

Chaska Tri is a great event. Let's make sure that it has a record turnout in 2016, okay?

ARE YOU KIDDING?  - Not long ago we listed some of the 2015 race weekends that we considered to be either overbooked or lopsided. Our concern was that ALL of the affected events would suffer reduced...

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Fun "Beer Mile" Stuff...

BeerMile_logo-292x300.gifThere’s a new competition raging among elite runners: the beer mile, in which you do four laps around a standard track, chugging a 12-ounce brew at the start of each loop. If you can do it in under five minutes—without hurling or passing out—you’re not just fast. You’re a hero.

By Todd Balf (xtri.com)

"Why pander around being the second best 800m runner in the world when you can be the number one beer miler?"  

Elite amateur Josh “Harry” Harris looks like he’s on his way to a record mile time at the historic Rawlinson Track in Melbourne, on May 3, 2014.

Pixie-size, with legs pinwheeling, the 23-year-old Australian runner is about to arc through the first bend of the bell lap and is a half-lap ahead of the 30-person chase field when he unexpectedly comes to a near stop. Something is wrong. The rowdy spectators who’ve spilled onto the track’s outer lanes to bellow “Go, Harry, go!” fall hushed....

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30-Minute Survival Workouts

shoes_and_laces.jpgBy Marty Gaal (usatriathlon.org)

Most of us will have days, and sometimes weeks, where life, work and family duties demand a lot of our time and energy. You might be traveling for work and engaged with clients from sunup to sundown; your children may be out of school and you need to keep them entertained while also logging 40-plus hours of work or your dog is sick and you can't leave her alone for too long. Let the fun begin!
Whatever the cause, you find yourself overwhelmed, stressed out and just generally unable to get much time to yourself. You might be tempted to just chuck all your training and sit on the couch in those few moments you do have to relax. But if you really are goal-oriented and in training for some big event down the road … don't give in.
This is where short workouts come in. I call them 30-minute survival workouts. Why? Because those 30-minute workouts will help your fitness survive until you have the wherewithal to get back out and about for your 'real' training sessions....

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