Indoor Intervals & "Girl Talk"....

erin-trainer.gifBy Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

Nick and I squeezed in one last outdoor ride on November 2, just a few days before winter appeared and the temp plummeted to 17 degrees (I’m already questioning our sanity for living here another winter).

And, with temps like that, it can only mean one thing…
Trainer time.
I know I may be oddball out here, but after spending a LOT of time on the trainer last winter (50+ days of subzero temps… oof), I really started to enjoy it. Focusing on all the watts and some loud music (Girl Talk!) helped, too :)
Also making the trainer more bearable: Having a specific workout. Intervals are your friend when you’re in the saddle and not moving anywhere!  ...

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Drool-Worthy Holiday Fare...

Pecan_Pie_81.gif12 Dishes That Should be on Your Thanksgiving Table...hanna-g.gif

By Fit Gingersnap (Sean Cooley's Hottie Girlfraulein - photo R)

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. Holidays can be overwhelming, don’cha think? I’m not even cooking a turkey dinner (thanks older brother and sis-in-law and your maturity and expertise and fabulous newly built house!) and I’m overwhelmed. If you love food like me, you’ve been dreaming up the perfect feast for a few odd months and because you’ve been planning since, oh, late August, you just keep adding to your list until you have 1,339 things to make and no time or kitchen space to do it. That’s why I pass on my ideas to my sis-in-law and hopefully, she’ll go to town! She’s a fabulous cook anyhow, but maybe some of my ideas will make their way to the table.

Anyhooters, I’m here to overwhelm you even more because I’m sure with all the holiday recipes you’ve been gathering you seriously need at least 12 more.

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Fueling Your Winter Workouts...

calorie-balance.gifBy Chris Carmichael (triathlon.competitor.com)

Let’s face it—the stretch from Halloween through New Year’s is a minefield of dietary indiscretions. It’s hard to avoid packing on a few extra pounds with everyone shoving high-sugar, high-fat foods in your face. And to make matters worse, most triathletes significantly decrease their training volume in these same months—what I call the “soft season,” the exercise space that falls between full-fledged training and being a couch potato.

It’s during this season that our coaches often scale back their triathletes’ training sessions to one workout per day, with a goal of two to three sessions per sport per week. In most cases, especially for time-crunched athletes and those not preparing for iron-distance goals, weekday workouts run about 45–90 minutes with longer sessions on the weekends...

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Then & Now Revealed: Part II...


Part II of a two-part post. Post I appeared on Friday.

Pic #1 is of #6-ranked KORTNEY HAAG. Seriously cute, huh! In 2014, Haag lived-up to the potential she displayed in 2008, when she was Rookie of the Year, and 2009, when she won the Most Improved award and placed 2nd on Team MInnesota. In the intervening years she had to contend with injuries and childbirth.

Kort won three half IMs last season and more than one Committee member was disappointed that she wasn't ranked higher than 6th....

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What Did You Learn About Yourself in '14?

tri-poster.gifBy Chris Janzen (for Active.com)

After months of training hard and racing harder, it's tempting to quickly switch into offseason mode and turn your attention to new activities.

But before you pack up the bike and put away the swim fins, you owe it to yourself to thoroughly review what happened (and what didn't) during the race season. This allows you to build on your recent experiences and create an even more rewarding, faster and successful triathlon season next time.

The trap that many triathletes fall into is focusing on just the race results. Win or not? PR or not? Allowing your success to be determined solely by the finish line clock or your ranking is not fair to all the effort and time you invested. You deserve more credit than that.

Here are nine critical, but often overlooked, steps to effectively evaluating your triathlon season — or more accurately, to evaluating yourself during your triathlon season. These nine questions will help give you additional insight and help you to realize more of your potential going forward.

NOTE: Answer these questions in writing. Be very honest. Get specific in your points.....

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