Redefining Success...

woo-hoo.gifBy Dr. Mitchell Greene (usatriathlon.org)

A majority of triathletes reflect on their season’s races, and feel as though they underperformed. A flat tire here, a slow swim there, and then there’s that forgettable run where you basically walked. A triathlete learns all too quickly that competition offers no guarantees and provides no refunds. Most shake off their season’s disappointments and rededicate themselves to training smarter and harder in preparation for the following year.

However, some find that their dissatisfaction turns into despair. They start to prepare for the upcoming season, but training feels more like an obligation than a form of...

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Looking Back at a Kicka$$ Year...

suzie-and-nephew.gifBy Suzie Fox (via Facebook)

Day to day I am really hard on myself, but looking back, 2014 was a pretty kick a$$ year! I'm an aunt! So many hours of training that I planned for others, so many miles I have raced & logged with great friends, so many wonderful family memories, so much nephew love! Instead of FB picking my top photos of 2014, I picked my single favorite picture of 2014 & my top 5 moments:

5. Crossing the finish line of Ironman #3 in March in Cabo San Lucas as 6th amateur female overall

4. Crossing the finish line of Ironman #4 in Sept in Madison, WI as 3rd amateur female overall

3. Taking my nephew to the MLB home run derby, all-star game & NLCS with my entire family...

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2015 - Bring It!

swiss.gifBy Cathy Yndestad (trigirlcathy.blogspot.com)

I hope everyone is enjoying a fun filled holiday season. It’s been an action packed few weeks for me, but it's finally slowing down enough to share some exciting news for the upcoming year.

New Focus: KY and I will be moving to Switzerland soon, and to simplify the transition and to grow with this new opportunity, I decided to leave my Program Manager job with Life Time Fitness. For the past few years, alongside Troy Jacobson, we built a strong and successful endurance coaching division as part of the Life Time TRI TEAM brand. Although it’s tough to leave Life Time in the midst of exciting initiatives, especially the Commit to TRI partnership with Ironman, I’m extremely jazzed to ....

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Operation Chlorination...

suz-pool.gifBy Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com)

I've known since early Nov that something was very wrong with my left foot. In 2011 & 2012 I had pain across the top but it was manageable with regular ART treatments & in Oct 2012 it went away until mile 16 of Ironman Wisconsin this year. 15 days off running following the IM bought me about another month of running including a 10 mile Halloween fun run in costume, but on Nov 6th the pain reached a whole new level and my foot swelled up like a sausage. Things hit rock bottom on Tues Nov 11th when I could no longer walk or put any weight on my foot and x-rays on Nov 14th confirmed a 3rd metatarsal stress fracture. I was trying to hang onto some fitness for the 6,000M USATF MN XC Championships on Nov 15th otherwise my season was over, but that was obviously a no go....

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Stuff About Going Gluten-Free...

bread.gifBy Michele Tuttle (usatriathlon.org)

Triathletes are very tuned in to nutrition. So, unless your training has taken you off-planet, you’ve probably noticed the number of gluten-free products on your grocery store’s shelves. And, you probably have a friend, relative or co-worker (or two or three) who’ve shared their amazing transformations from going gluten-free. Or perhaps you’ve even tried the gluten-free approach yourself thinking THIS might be answer to solving your digestive, weight or other health-related issues.

Think very carefully before you cross the bread, pasta, cereal, couscous, bagels and other products made from wheat off your shopping list. Why? Because you will also ...

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