Trom's Trajectory...

kellys-feet.gifThe MTN Guys recently contacted three of the 2014 Rookie of the Year nominees--we don't have Laura Greer's contact info. We asked them to share their tentative 2015 racing plans. On Thursday we will post ROY Nick Nygaard's plans. On Friday we will let you know what Emy Everhart has in mind.

Today, we will reveal KELLY TROM's tentative schedule.

Kelly's rookie season was brief (3 races) but very impressive. It was reminiscent of the rookie seasons of Claire Bootsma (2010), Ruth Brennan Morrey (2011) and Heather Lendway (2012) , all of whom went to the tippy top of the Team Minnesota women's roster in their sophomore year.

Can Kelly do that, too. It's totally possible, especially given that Heather Lendway has gotten her pro license, as has Dani Fischer, who relocated to Indiana, and Cathy Yndestad is moving to downtown Europe....

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Recovery Mode...

coffee.gifBy Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com)


Give a girl a stress fracture, a few days off work for the holidays, a bag of Bird Mountain Dark Roast Peace Coffee (thank you Devon!!!), a few sub zero degree days and BOOM, I'm Suzie Homemaker! Here are some projects I've been meaning to do for quite a while...LINK

I spent an entire day over Christmas vacation looking at boxes of pictures with my family from the 80s & 90s, I laughed so hard I cried, my head, my stomach & my face hurt. The hair & outfits form the '80s! We only got through about 3 of 9 boxes, I can't wait for the last 6 on my next visit! Here are a few treasures...LINK


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Stuff About Going Pro...

TurnPro2gb-620x421.gifED. The MTN Guys are big fans of pro triathlete Jesse Thomas. A great athlete, a super-smart guy and a awesome writer. In this revealing article, he gives us a insider look at the lifestyle of pro triathletes.

By Jesse Thomas (triathlon.competitor.com)

Behind the curtain of the sometimes glamorous but mostly not-so-glitzy triathlon life.

When I started my professional triathlon career four years ago, I was just a snot-nosed 30-year-old with a borrowed bike, hand-me-down kit and $8 aviators. I clearly didn’t know what I was doing, or what to expect. And surprisingly, there is no “Entertainment Tonight” for triathlon. No matter how much we see of Kimye and Brangelina, nobody gives us insider access to Rimmy CarDonnell. It’s hard to know what really goes on behind the curtain of superstardom. Is it all glitz, glamour and scream-crying crazy-ass fans? How hard do you have to work? How much money can you make? When does Letterman call? ...

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Active Recovery Stuff...

swimmers.gifBy Sara McLarty (triathlon.competitor.com)

Swimming slow on the recovery portion of a set is very important. “Active recovery,” or exercising at less than 30 percent of maximum intensity, allows the body to lower the heart rate slowly while assisting blood circulation in the removal of lactic acid. Athletes typically feel better after an active recovery, versus just staying in place, when asked to perform another high-intensity effort.

In the swimming world, active recovery is common in two places: between each effort in a sprint set or after the completion of a difficult set. In both cases, it benefits the swimmer to do the 25–100 yards in a recovery zone. Do not focus on the clock or think about pace. Instead, focus on an aspect of stroke technique or choose a drill that will force slow and easy recovery....

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Going Amateur...

dev-and-teddy.gifBy Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)

I am very excited to announce that for the 2015 triathlon season I will be taking a big step forward and racing as an amateur! This is a huge move and a major decision and something that I am confident will impact the sporting world from top to bottom. I am leaving behind the rough and tumble rodeo of professional racing for the glitz and glamor of amateurism. Am I ready to race in the big leagues? After spending five years developing in the salt mines of pro racing I know I am crusty enough to finally bark with any of the big dog age groupers out there. Why make the leap now? It’s my time.

How does this affect you, an avid blog reader? Well let’s break down some frequently asked questions.

Will you still do triathlons? Yes. Still training, still racing. My best is yet to come in Ironman and I have several goals left to accomplish. In 2015 I will race one or two Ironmans and many of Minnesota’s fantastic events....

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