Redefining Success...

woo-hoo.gifBy Dr. Mitchell Greene (usatriathlon.org)

A majority of triathletes reflect on their season’s races, and feel as though they underperformed. A flat tire here, a slow swim there, and then there’s that forgettable run where you basically walked. A triathlete learns all too quickly that competition offers no guarantees and provides no refunds. Most shake off their season’s disappointments and rededicate themselves to training smarter and harder in preparation for the following year.

However, some find that their dissatisfaction turns into despair. They start to prepare for the upcoming season, but training feels more like an obligation than a form of...

recreation. The exchange below represents a conversation between a very frustrated triathlete (Steve) and a sport psychologist (SP). The sport psychologist offers some perspective to the triathlete on how he could benefit from a redefinition of success that would bring the joy and hope back to the sport he loves.

Steve: I think back on my season and I see something in every race that messed up my plans for some breakthrough performances. I just wanted one race where everything came together perfectly.

SP: I know that’s every competitor’s ultimate goal.

Steve: Yeah, this will sound ridiculous but I feel like I deserve it more than a lot of people. There are guys who train less than me even though I’m busier at work then they are. They’re beating me in races and they know and I know I’m faster.  READ MORE
