
Semi-Lucrative Running Streak...


ED. Today we ask you to indulge the MTN Guys. This story, which appeared in Runner's World last month, is about a friend of ours from Phoenix, Arizona.


By Sarah Lorge Butler (runnersworld.com)


You can’t really put a price tag on a good run.

But you can count up the change and bills you find along the way.

That’s what Craig Davidson does. And his tallies—in miles and money—are legend.

Davidson, 64, of Phoenix recently passed two unusual milestones. The first is an epic run streak: 40 consecutive years of daily running, which he hit on November 4. During that streak, he covered 207,412 miles, more than double that of some cars. He currently ranks 20th on the list of active U.S. streakers maintained by the United States Running Streak Association....

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Jets, Swivel Chairs and "The Garagia Sophia"......


Yesterday we revealed the Christmas gifts we would give to GABY BUNTEN and HANNA GRINAKER, our state's two most successfull female triathletes last year, if we  could afford to do so.

It's the thought that counts, right? (FYI - We wanted to give Gaby a new house and a crock-pot, and Hanna a farm with horses and a monogrammed pair of shoes.)

Here are some more gifts that we won't be giving to various prominent triathletes:

ELAINE NELSON (2018 Team Minnesota) - We adore Elaine and were heartbroken when her garage burned down just before the tri season got underway. Her family lost several vehicles and other valuable stuff. So, we want Elaine to have the fanciest, fire-proofiest garage ever. Coach Kris calls his awesome Man Cavey garage "The Garage-Mahal." We suggest that the Nelson's new garage be even fancier than that, and they should call it the "Garagia Sophia." All the stuff that was lost--cars, bikes, skis, Craftsman Tool kits, lawn mowers, recycling bins, leaf blowers, cases of WD-40 and rolls of duct tape etc.--would be replaced with upgraded versions of those things....

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"It's the Thought That Counts, Right?"...


Every year at this time the MTN Guys reveal the Christmas gifts they'd like to give to members of Team Minnesota (and other Minnesota multisporters), but can't because they don't have the means to do so.

Let's start with GABY BUNTEN, the 2017 Minnesota Triathlete of the Year, and runner-up for that honor in 2018. Gaby is getting married in the relatively near future to her long-time stud boyfriend, and totally cool guy, Kris Spoth. This makes us very happy. So, we'd like to give Gaby and Kris a new house. We prefer Craftsman-style architecture, though Mid-Century Modern is cool, too, but better suited for warmer climes. We'll make sure that the home has a huge mud room and a finished basement with high ceilings so as to accommodate their treadmills and bike trainers. The space would also have a big closet to store their foam rollers and those big balls that athletes like to roll around on.

But wait, there's more! ...

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Good Stuff About Sleep...


By Dr. Chad Asplund (usatriathlon.org)


Most multisport athletes understand that sleep is important, but in the balance of life, work and training, sleep is often the first thing to go. 

In addition, travel and the timing of competitions can further limit sleep. Unfortunately, many athletes have poor quality sleep or simply do not obtain a sufficient quantity of sleep. 

Why do we need sleep? How is sleep structured? How much sleep is needed? What happens to performance if sleep is sacrificed? How can one improve sleep? These are all questions that will be answered in this article....

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Responsible Consuming, Except for Oat Lattes and Costco Toilet Paper...


By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)


I’m still drinking (too many) oat lattes, but you know what? I’ve decided that if good coffee a few days a week makes me happy, then why would I stop? The only difference: I started bringing my reusable mug. That may not change the world on its own, but if we’re all more aware of the collective impact our daily actions have – that can add up to something BIG.

Anyway, I hope you’re enjoying a good cuppa coffee or tea or kombucha and having a lovely fall (or winter because at feels like 0F, it certainly feels like winter in Minneapolis). Here’s what’s been up the past couple months....

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